n00neimp0rtant / xCon-Issues

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MobileIron (Master Issue) #26

Closed mocasorla closed 11 years ago

mocasorla commented 12 years ago

Not sure if this is something in the radar for you, but it seems more and more companies are implementing this MobileIron client for email on mobile devices such as iPads and iPhones, our company is and it is a Hughe pain in the rear because now is detecting JB devices personal and corporate issued devices, at any rate if there's anything you can do it will be greatly appreciated, the app is available in the U. S. app store for both iPad and iPhone.

Thanks again,

ihatemobileiron commented 11 years ago

Excellent - thank you @Lunat1k !!

ihatemobileiron commented 11 years ago

@Lunat1k. Was your tester available today?

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Yes however it's still detecting it. I have patched a lot but apparently something is still hiding from me. And without access to a MI server it's hard to pinpoint what it is. We will continue to work on it tomorrow.

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

So another FYI. With some help from Saurik one of the ways I was trying to hook some stuff to disable the JB detection is now possible. Which means once I get this officially working correctly. Hopefully future versions will get auto patched rather than me having to find and patch things manually each time.

For those who may have lost their jailbreak I do deeply apologize for it taking so long. Reverse engineering without having access to the server is very difficult and trying to coordinate my tester plus deal with my real job of course slows things down. Hopefully those of you who did have to lose their jailbreak were at least able to reinstall 5.1.1 for the time being until we get this iron out.

ihatemobileiron commented 11 years ago

@Lunat1k Thank you for the update - really appreciate knowing that things are progressing. Fully understand that this is not your day job. No worries about the timing - think our company may have a few days leeway due to Sandy! Please do keep posting progress, and any guidance as to timeline for a release would be awesome when you have a sense.

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Well looks like they released 5.0.1. Guess I'll start poking at that version.

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

So at first glance they didn't make any major changes so that's the good news. Which means once me and my tester can get this ironed out it'll support both versions.

ihatemobileiron commented 11 years ago

Great - IT haven't switched me off (yet!)

timu2007 commented 11 years ago

It looks like MobileIron are getting quite serious about their jailbreak detection. I'm sure they're looking to fill the gap of secure enterprise email access provider with RIM's imminent demise.

Getting xcon to work against MobileIron won't be easy. If you do succeed, I suggest that you keep the source code under wraps to slow their response in the next round of countermeasures.

dextergiii commented 11 years ago

Yes, I received the dreaded "To all Iphone/Ipad users: In preparation for the mobileiron upgrade..."

Your efforts are much appreciated - I hope the donations you've received have been sufficient to keep your attention focused on this matter.

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Hey guys. Sorry you haven't heard anything from me for a while. I was on vacation and just returned. I'll be contacting my tester today and see if he will be available so we can continue our work.

leonard91 commented 11 years ago

Hello Lunat1k, Having been Kicked out of Company Email & Calendar by IT following upgrade to MobileIron 5 on a Jailbreaked 5.1.1 IPHONE4, I am indeed very interested into your good work. thanks to TinyUmbrella and Redsnow, I have been able to Restore my IPHONE 4 in 5.1.1 I have been forced to Clean install my Iphone 4 on Original Firmware and on my way to get approved again. When I will be back online, I am willing to help you debug your work. issue is that once the Iphone has been marked non compliant, it is a matter of days before they lock it out of corporate connection... Thank you for your hard work and comitment on this issue. Best regards Leonard

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Thankfully you were able to restore to 5.1.1 for the time being until me and my tester can hopefully get this ironed out. With the holidays and me just getting back from Vacation getting us both together is difficult. But hopefully we will be able to work on it soon.

leonard91 commented 11 years ago

Upon your knowledge, If I disconnect IPHONE from any Data Connection (Wifi/3G) can we Try several times to Foul Mobile Iron or, or first time MI will detect Cydia/Jailbreak it will lock itself into NonCOmpliant status (even if your subsequent upgrades ''finally cover all the holes'') In other Word, Do I need to Restore OFW IOS 5.1.1 at each XCon beta 1.xxx vs MI tentative?

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

At this time just stand still. My tester is actually an admin for MI for his company so he has the ability to reset his account as we work thru this.

jbarker7 commented 11 years ago

Does any one have the old version I can install and revert back to while we anxiously await this new release?

dpj1j commented 11 years ago

Any update on the progress of getting this "ironed" out. I have been kicked off my corporate email for about a week and a half now. Really don't want to un-jailbreak my phone if I don't have to. Thanks for all your work so far.

dextergiii commented 11 years ago

Any updates?

zoser55 commented 11 years ago

1 more MI 5.01 potential user - i would be more than happy to contribute to your efforts

jbarker7 commented 11 years ago

Lunat1k- is there any way we can help you?

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

@jbarker7 Only if you're an MI Admin. So far I only have 1 guy who is but of course between my real job and his real job and other things it's tough for us to get together to work on this.

fpass680 commented 11 years ago

MI 5.5 got released on Jan 2nd. Thank you.

dextergiii commented 11 years ago

Any updates? Other than you and your tester can't find the time to connect?

Biweek commented 11 years ago

Same here ;-) is there any update on this ? The new mobile iron is 5.5 work or not ?

aug0211 commented 11 years ago

Watching this and crossing my fingers! Thanks for the hard work. Will definitely contribute when you're able to get this working!

Does anyone have the IPA that they can provide for the latest version of MobileIron that works with xCon? That would help me in the mean time...


ip5 commented 11 years ago

Finally JB my iPhone5 and got kicked out from accessing company e-mail/calendar. would love to see this fixed on MI5.5 and would contribute.


Strider3000 commented 11 years ago

iPhone 5 MI 5.5 here. Would also contribute to this.

bastian433 commented 11 years ago

I can also help, I can also reset my device if needed...

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Happy to contribute to get this issue fixed! Common guys if we work together to support lunat1k - we can make this happen. Lunat1k - what's the update? I know you are busy with your day job etc but what can the community to do get things moving?

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Mobileiron 4.5.12 works perfectly in jailbroken device with Xcon. However - only problem is after upgrading to ios 6.1 - Mobileiron 4.5.12 turns on then immediately off again.

Therefore we could either: Try look for a patch for Mobileiron V5 onwards or we could look for a way to get mobileiron 4.5.12 to work on ios6. I don't know the technicalities on how to make this happen. Lunat1k - can you or any other devs help?

aug0211 commented 11 years ago

Hey neod41 (and anyone else who can help),

Do you have a copy of MobileIron 4.5.12 that you can share? I can walk you through the steps of uploading the application for others to download, if needed. I updated by accident a while back, and was not able to retrieve my old copy of 4.5.12. I am stuck with (which does not work with Xcon, to my knowledge).

Thanks so much - getting the .ipa file for MobileIron 4.5.12 would be a HUGE help for me!!!!

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Yes I have it but it will only work for you if you are still on ios 5.1.1 max - does not work for ios 6. Plus - there is no way to downgrade down to ios 5 once you've upgraded to ios 6

aug0211 commented 11 years ago

Ah, that's not ideal :-( Are you able to upload it somewhere? I could try playing with it see if I can figure anything out, though you're probably right, and I won't get anywhere with it. It couldn't hurt though, right?

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Not my upload as this link is publicly available on the Internet: http://dlios.newhua.com/down/MobileIron_MyPhone@Work_Client_4.5.12.zip

aug0211 commented 11 years ago

Wow, thank you so much. I have no idea how I've missed that - I've honestly searched for this for hours. I guess my searching skills must be rusty!

Edit - @neod41 - looks like that link you sent might not be safe. I'm on a Mac, so I'm not sure, but it looks like it's a .exe, which I wouldn't trust if I were on a PC.

Have you used that link from a PC to validate that opening the .exe does actually contain the correct file? Or, are you able to upload your copy anywhere?

Thanks again!

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Np. If you do manage to make it work on ios 6 then please get back to the community and explain how. This way we can try and "make do" with what works.

I am guessing 4.5.12 is calling for some APIs that don't exist in ios 6. I guess what one could do is compare the difference between 4.5.12 (which works with xcon in ios 5) and 4.5.30 (the next immediate version after 4.5.12 which is complainant with ios 6 but does not work with Xcon) and see if they can make 4.5.12 work.

Let us know your findings.

aug0211 commented 11 years ago

Hey, neod41,

Not sure if you saw my edit to my post above. Have you used this link to grab the .ipa? I can't be sure, but I'm not sure I trust it. The file inside the zip is an exe, I expected an ipa. I'm on a Mac, so I couldn't open the .exe anyway, but I'm not sure if it's legit or not.

Thanks, Auggie

Auggie Fisher 614.354.7741 (mobile) auggie.fisher@gmail.com Sent with Sparrow (http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig)

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 at 10:09 PM, neod41 wrote:

Np. If you do manage to make it work on ios 6 then please get back to the community and explain how. This way we can try and "make do" with what works. I am guessing 4.5.12 is calling for some APIs that don't exist in ios 6. I guess what one could do is compare the difference between 4.5.12 (which works with xcon in ios 5) and 4.5.30 (the next immediate version after 4.5.12 which is complainant with ios 6 but does not work with Xcon) and see if they can make 4.5.12 work. Let us know your findings.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub (https://github.com/n00neimp0rtant/xCon-Issues/issues/26#issuecomment-13367074)..

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Extract the file then put the file in Install0us (via iFile but make sure wifi and 3G is off when accessing install0us) or any other iPhone app from which you can install an .ipa and install. Worked for me. If you are going to play around with trying to make a non complaint app work on a newer OS - better to warm up by trying to install the app first. I'll let you exercise trail and error and see what you come out with. You've been given sufficient information.

aug0211 commented 11 years ago

Hi neod41,

Thanks for the response. I am quite comfortable installing apps :-) Like many of the users of github, I do happen to be a software developer, and am comfortable working my way around various devices.

With that said, I generally exercise caution when opening files that are different types than I expected, coming from links provided to me by people I do not know on the internet :-) It's nothing personal, I was just wanting to be sure that the .exe you provided had been validated and was safe.

Thanks again for the help!

neod41 commented 11 years ago

No problem. I like your exercise of caution. It's validated but as you said - I am a stranger from the Internet so if I wanted to send you malware, my response would be biased. There's only one way to find out now...

Let us know how you get on ;)

fr0z3n commented 11 years ago

mobileiron admin here, reach out to me to test it if you want.

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Lunat1k, please help?

spotsic commented 11 years ago

This issue was closed 4 days ago. The updated beta can be downloaded by adding the source http://n00neimp0rtant.dyndns.org/repo/. It works great!

neod41 commented 11 years ago

No new updates of xcon has been pushed through though?

Which version of mobileiron is work? Can you confirm?

On 13 Feb 2013, at 15:46, "spotsic" notifications@github.com wrote:

This issue was closed 4 days ago. The updated beta can be downloaded by adding the source http://n00neimp0rtant.dyndns.org/repo/. It works great!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

fpass680 commented 11 years ago

Great news, is it for MI 5.5? I added the repo and was able to install 38-beta2. Thanks

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Xcon 38- beta 2 does not work with MI 5.5

On 13 Feb 2013, at 16:13, "fpass680" notifications@github.com wrote:

Great news, is it for MI 5.5? I added the repo and was able to install 38-beta2. Thanks

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

fpass680 commented 11 years ago

Ok thanks, we will wait for next update.

stlblufan commented 11 years ago

I am also looking for MI 5.5 .... or at least a version that works with iOS 6.x ... please help!

neod41 commented 11 years ago

Spotsic - When is this new xcon coming out then? The one that is compatible with Mobile iron in ios 6?

spotsic commented 11 years ago

I'm just an end user not the developer. I have ios 6.1.1 installed, MI 5.5.0, xcon 38~beta2. All is working as it should on my device. I installed xcon first, rebooted completely and then installed MI.