n00neimp0rtant / xCon-Issues

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Barclays Mobile Banking (Master Issue) #61

Open stevenfrenchy opened 12 years ago

stevenfrenchy commented 12 years ago

There is a new one not the pingit , any help?

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

:) spot on, did anything i sent you make a difference, is there any thing else you need us to do send

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

No actually it was something I actually read in a securing ios book I came across. It's not going to be easy to tackle and it may take some time but this method is definitely what they are using to do JB Detection.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

keep up the good work, and anything you need, just let us know

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

So just a general workaround tip for now. Because of the way they are doing JB detection you could run this app in safe mode. I still have to figure out a way to get around what they are doing but it is a short term solution.

dysphasi commented 11 years ago

The app still fires back an error when in safe-mode stating that it cannot be run on jailbroken devices though...

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Hmm guess maybe after it gets past some of this other stuff I found it then triggers some other detections.

dysphasi commented 11 years ago

One step at a time ;-)

callam commented 11 years ago

any news and is there anyway i can help?

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

There has been news for the last 2 days keep up.

callam commented 11 years ago

i can confirm i have read the last 2 days of news, is there any more progression from there is what i am asking.

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

If there was I would have said something

callam commented 11 years ago

ah great, i look forward to your comments, this barclays jailbreak detection is a pain

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Beta 34 MAY support this app but no promises. Please give it a try.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

stupid question...what repo is BETA 34 in as mine showning modmyi xcon 37-1

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

The beta repo is http://n00neimp0rtant.com/repo

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

ok found it adding http://n00neimp0rtant.dyndns.org/repo

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

lol thanks for the update...didnt refresh screen before posting

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

OMFG.....BRILL I'm in

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

Ok cool. So here is the thing. It will only work for 1.3 until I can figure out a way to make this generic.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

ill avoid updating it :) and thanks for all your efforts great work cheers

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

No problem. I'll continue working on something more generic, however donations are welcome at http://goo.gl/O1nPT

dysphasi commented 11 years ago

A huge thanks!... Donation made :-)

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

Hi much appreciated the work you are doing so just donated $5

stevenfrenchy commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the great work ! I opened this issue 9 months ago ! But never to late ! Thank you so much I will donate and who ever uses it should do so !!

ghost commented 11 years ago

Thanks a ton, just donated 5$ and I really hope many others do the same.

antwan commented 11 years ago

OMFG it works !!! Thank you so much for this workaround :smiley: I gave you 10$, keep up the good work :)

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

Installed beta34 on iPad 2 and it works. However not working on iPhone 5. Both devices running 6.1.2. On the iPhone I would always get the app crashing out some way through the registration process on the old version of xcon however now it is stable - I just get the RG22 error.

Hope this is able to be fixed :)

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

Hi its working on my iPhone 5 on 6.1.2 with beta34, got from repo from post earlier, one thing i have found is that i need to kill off apps on my iPhone so have pleanty of running memory otherwise the app BMB app does crash, hope this helps

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

Good old Barclays just released 1.3.1 which supports the iPhone 5 screen. Would be interesting to see if they've changed anything on the JB detection front!

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

Still trying to get this working on the iPhone 5. I obviously haven't updated to 1.3.1, still on 1.3. I removed Xcon completely, rebooted, then installed it again from the n00neimp0rtant repo as above, rebooted again and it still gives me the RG22 error. Still working fine on the iPad, just a shame as the iPad works pretty well with the web site anyway!

It's a shame we can no-longer restore and re-jailbreak, if I tried to do that I'd end up stuck on 6.1.3, but hey at least BMB would work! :)

stevenfrenchy commented 11 years ago

Can we update to 1.31?

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

stupid question James, have you re-install BMB 1.3, this is going to be interesting now as the update, but you should be able to save the 1.3ipa and re-load that into iTunes

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

Good question, not a stupid one :)

I will try re-installing BMB, I do have the .ipa saved on my machine so I should be able to delete it from the iPhone and drag the app back over to install it. Didn't think of that! Will give it a go and report back.

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

Sadly this didn't work! I deleted BMB and re-synced it back in from iTunes. Get to the end of the registration steps and get the RG22 error still.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

strange other things that i have installed that might effect SBSettings appsync for ios 6 xCon

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

As I stated above the beta will only work for 1.3. I'll need the 1.3.1 decrypted ipa to be able to support that until I can make this code more generic.

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

@Lunat1k is there any way I can see if Xcon is actually active on my phone? Does it write to a log anywhere? Confused as I have BMB working on my iPad2 and not my iPhone5.

kierr commented 11 years ago

I stupidly upgraded to 1.3.1. How can I reinstall 1.3? Sorry, I'm new to this.

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

@Kieters you could probably do what I did. Delete BMB on the iPhone now, and then sync the old copy back from iTunes.

kierr commented 11 years ago

I did see your message, but I don't have the old version in iTunes to restore as I only got the phone yesterday... hopefully there's another way.

SupraJames commented 11 years ago

Not too sure them I'm afriad - but the good news is that it seems this is being actively worked on. Perhaps you could send the decrypted .ipa file to @Lunat1k which may enable him to see if it can easily support the same hack.

kierr commented 11 years ago

I will gladly provide the decrypted .ipa, but I'm not sure how - again, only got my iPhone yesterday! If can point me in the right direction I can get it uploaded by this afternoon.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

I believe that the "decrypted ipa" is not 100% attchievable as BMB have added extra security, as i sent in the 1.3 ripped version to @Lunat1k and was not able to use effectively, but i can get 1.3.1 using the same "catch" and send, if @Lunat1k would like

lmcd commented 11 years ago

@Lunat1k - $10 coming your way if we can 1.3.1 working :) Keep up the good work!

AssRash commented 11 years ago

Accidentally updated it this morning, 1.3 was working great. I propose a $10 donation if you can get it working @Lunat1k !

I tried to install older version by deleting 1.3.1 and then installing the old one but no success there.


Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

@lmcd until I can get a decrypted ipa then I can't work on the temporary workaround. Right now I have to hard code the patches until I can figure out a way to make it more generic.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

@Lunat1k thought the "clutch" util could not decrypt the BMB fully, are there any other utils out there to fully decrypt the BMB or do you just want the "clutch" output for 1.3.1

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

@ianharekr clutch should be ok if the guys still don't have some bugs. I found a few issues with it on the github version, but I think they have been fixed since then.

Lunat1k commented 11 years ago

@ianharekr btw the github version is at https://github.com/KJCracks/Clutch if it has issues just open a ticket and one of us will look at it.

ianharekr commented 11 years ago

@Lunat1k can u e-mail me the 1.2.6 version, as before and ill load onto my spare device and clutch the 1.3.1 BMB and send as before cheers