n0a / telegram-get-remote-ip

Get IP address on other side audio call in Telegram.
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Unable to Use!! #10

Open RamuSriram opened 11 months ago

RamuSriram commented 11 months ago

It just shows "Capturing traffic, please wait..." after selecting interface and calling to a mutual contact in Telegram Desktop. Using Windows, downloaded all modules, what's the problem? Please help.

n0a commented 11 months ago

Tell me more information. What network interface are you use? Do you run script with admin priv?

n0a commented 11 months ago

And show me screenshots please if you have it.

RamuSriram commented 11 months ago

And show me screenshots please if you have it.

Sure, here it is. IMG_20231019_003533_223

RamuSriram commented 11 months ago

Tell me more information. What network interface are you use? Do you run script with admin priv?

Used Wifi network interface which I have connected to, and yes I tried in Command Prompt as Admin too.

maskedyx commented 11 months ago

Yeah I am getting the same issue on linux here is the screenshot of the terminal and I have also tried both eth0 and wlan image

n0a commented 11 months ago

@RamuSriram @maskedyx

Very strange. If you do not have any output in the terminal, then tshark does not capture packets. I'll see what can be done soon.

Sputnik444 commented 10 months ago

Hello, this is due to the fact that the switch "Use peer-to-peer network for calls" is disabled in the call privacy settings, and in order for the IP address detection to work, this function must be enabled for both users. When this feature is disabled, calls pass through Telegram servers, which does not allow you to get an ip, when this feature is enabled, calls are redirected directly from one interlocutor to another interlocutor bypassing Telegram servers, so we can track the IP of the interlocutor.

RamuSriram commented 10 months ago

Hello, this is due to the fact that the switch "Use peer-to-peer network for calls" is disabled in the call privacy settings, and in order for the IP address detection to work, this function must be enabled for both users. When this feature is disabled, calls pass through Telegram servers, which does not allow you to get an ip, when this feature is enabled, calls are redirected directly from one interlocutor to another interlocutor bypassing Telegram servers, so we can track the IP of the interlocutor.

Yeah, I know. And yeah peer-to-peer for calls is enabled already for both of them

zhuxu commented 10 months ago

Hello, this is due to the fact that the switch "Use peer-to-peer network for calls" is disabled in the call privacy settings, and in order for the IP address detection to work, this function must be enabled for both users. When this feature is disabled, calls pass through Telegram servers, which does not allow you to get an ip, when this feature is enabled, calls are redirected directly from one interlocutor to another interlocutor bypassing Telegram servers, so we can track the IP of the interlocutor.

Yeah, I know. And yeah peer-to-peer for calls is enabled already for both of them

you can test your network NAT type is what? while i got the same problem, my network NAT type is Symmetric NAT; i guess that is the problem when i check the packet flow by wireshark, while src client not direct connect to the dst client, instead, src and dst connected by use the telegram relay server

anglee0323 commented 10 months ago

anyone fix that, the same issues