n0bel / PiClock

A Fancy Clock built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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radar map #140

Closed maserowik closed 5 years ago

maserowik commented 5 years ago

I been looking at the code is there a way to have more than 6 radar images scroll?

n0bel commented 5 years ago

In PyQtPiClock.py

class Radar(QtGui.QLabel):

    def __init__(self, parent, radar, rect, myname):
        global xscale, yscale
        self.myname = myname
        self.rect = rect
        self.anim = 5
        self.zoom = radar["zoom"]
        self.point = radar["center"]

The 5 represents the number of frames in the radar animation. Since RainView provides radar images in 10 minute time frames, this represents 50 minutes of radar images.

maserowik commented 5 years ago

Thank you