n0bel / PiClock

A Fancy Clock built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi
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Google api suddenly not working #161

Closed GrampDamnpus closed 5 years ago

GrampDamnpus commented 5 years ago

Starting today my clock wont pull maps. I have it set up with google maps api, I checked the dashboard and as far as I can tell everything is good to go.

When I check the log I dont get any errors, but if I put the url for the map into a browser I get: The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. This API key is not authorized to use this service or API.

I checked 4 times and the staticmap api is enabled and seems good, I have 300 in credit and no outstanding bill. I have switched to mapbox for the day, and will try google again tomorrow maybe its something on their end, unless someone knows something that changed?

togatown commented 5 years ago

If you are taking the URL from the logs, pasting into a browser and getting an error, the issue isn't with PiClock but with the Google API. I would get the URL working in the browser first.

If Mapbox works for you, why bother with the Google API at all?

GrampDamnpus commented 5 years ago

If you are taking the URL from the logs, pasting into a browser and getting an error, the issue isn't with PiClock but with the Google API. I would get the URL working in the browser first.

If Mapbox works for you, why bother with the Google API at all?

100% is a problem with google, never said different, I was more checking to see if I was the only one with this issue or something had changed with the api functions and the clock would need an update. Sadly I wouldnt know where to begin trouble shooting the api.

As for why I would use google when mapbox works, the quick answer is because. The long answer is because I already had a google api from legacy and the maps are cleaner than the mapbox ones. Im gonna go test some stuff that I can and see what I come up with.

togatown commented 5 years ago

I would test it for you but after I assured myself Mapbox was working I blew away my Google account and never looked back.

I agree the Google satellite map is cleaner looking but I adapted rapidly. Have you looked at the styling to see if anything strikes you?

n0bel commented 5 years ago

closing as no further activity