n0bel / PiClock

A Fancy Clock built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi
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Reading from Database for Temp/Pressure/wind....... #167

Closed billlariv closed 4 years ago

billlariv commented 5 years ago

I am attempting to modify my PiClock to read from a mysql db to get the information that is displayed in the top left corner of PiClock. I have changed to a digital clock and moved the radar squares below the digital clock. So that gives me plenty of room on the left edge of the screen for my data. I have a python script that retrieves the data I am wanting to display. (see below). I have attempted to create function with it, and inserted in PyQtPiClock.py. Creating global variables for the datapoints and have tried to use those variable names. No luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am technical, but not a programmer.


import sys import re import mysql.connector

from mysql.connector import Error try: mySQLconnection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', database='weewx-db', user='weewx-user', password='weewx-password')

sql_select_Query = "select outTemp from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_TEMP = cursor.fetchone() print ("Temp") print "%.1f" % WEEWX_TEMP +" F" print("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select windSpeed from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_WINDSPEED = cursor.fetchone() print ("Wind Speed") print"%.0f" % WEEWX_WINDSPEED +" mph" print ("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select windDir from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_WINDDIR = cursor.fetchone() DIRECTION = "N"

if 0 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 22.5: DIRECTION = "N"

if 22.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 67.5: DIRECTION = "NE"

if 67.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 112.5: DIRECTION = "E"

if 112.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 157.5: DIRECTION = "SE"

if 157.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 202.5: DIRECTION = "S"

if 202.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 247.5: DIRECTION = "SW"

if 247.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 292.5: DIRECTION = "W"

if 292.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <= 337.5: DIRECTION = "NW"

if 337.6 <= WEEWX_WINDDIR <=360.0: DIRECTION = "N"

print ("Wind Dir") print(DIRECTION) print ("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select outHumidity from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_HUMIDITY = cursor.fetchone() print ("Humidity") print"%.0f" % WEEWX_HUMIDITY +" %" print ("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select rain from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_RAIN = cursor.fetchone() print("Rain Today") print"%.2f" % WEEWX_RAIN +" in" print("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select rainRate from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_RAINRATE = cursor.fetchone() print("Rain Rate") print"%.2f" % WEEWX_RAINRATE +" in/hr" print("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select heatindex from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_HEATINDEX = cursor.fetchone()

print("Heat Index")

print"%.1f" % WEEWX_HEATINDEX


except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select UV from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_UVINDEX = cursor.fetchone() print ("UV Index") print"%.1f" % WEEWX_UVINDEX print ("")

except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

try: sql_select_Query = "select windchill from archive order by dateTime Desc limit 1;" cursor = mySQLconnection .cursor() cursor.execute(sql_select_Query) WEEWX_WINDCHILL = cursor.fetchone()

print("Wind Chill")

print"%.1f" % WEEWX_WINDCHILL


except Error as e : print ("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)


closing database connection.

if(mySQLconnection .is_connected()):

if WEEWX_TEMP > 50: print("Heat Index") print("%.1f" % WEEWX_HEATINDEX +" F") print("") else: print("Wind Chill") print("%.1f" % WEEWX_WINDCHILL +" F") print("")

billlariv commented 5 years ago

Is there a single place in PyQtPiClock.py that I can replace temp, pressure.... with my variable?

togatown commented 5 years ago

Looks like you are trying to use data from your weather station perhaps? There is no 'single place' because you are looking to replace quite a bit of info. Search the code for "def wxfinished()", this is the function that fills in the data you are concerned with. Then inside of def wxfinished(), search for "setText". This is how the text is set in each of the labels.

I personally would allow the routine to run and then call your function at the end of it to retrieve and fill your own values.

billlariv commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the response. Here is what I tried. def wxfinished() getlocalwx() temper=WEEWX_TEMP

Thinking I can set the variable of the outside temperature in PiClock to equal that which was read from the weewx database. It did not work.

togatown commented 4 years ago

getlocalwx should be the last thing in wxfinished. In it you would set your label to your desired value.

billlariv commented 4 years ago

togtown thanks for the reply. I have changed directions sort of. Instead of reading from DB I am tailing a file that has live data. Weewx takes a while to archive data to db. So I am using cumulus realtime.txt that gets new data about every second. I have my variables getting the values from the file. I am now looking at how to update the information from temp down on the left side of the screen when the variables change. I am running my function with threading. piclock_image

billlariv commented 4 years ago

def getlocalwx(): while True: filename = '/var/www/weewx/realtime.txt' f = subprocess.Popen(['tail','-F',filename],\ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p = select.poll() p.register(f.stdout) if p.poll(1):

        wordList = f.stdout.readline().split(' ')
        WEEWX_TEMP = float(wordList[2])
        WEEWX_HUMIDITY = float(wordList[3])
        WEEWX_HEATINDEX = float(wordList[41])
        WEEWX_WINDSPEED = float(wordList[6])
        WEEWX_WINDGUST = float(wordList[40])
        WEEWX_WINDDIR = wordList[11]
        WEEWX_RAINRATE = float(wordList[8])
        WEEWX_RAIN = float(wordList[9])
        WEEWX_WINDCHILL = float(wordList[24])

        if float(WEEWX_TEMP) > 50:
            WEEWX_LFEELS = "Heat Index"
            WEEWX_LFEELS = "Wind Chill"

        WEEWX_TEMP = str(WEEWX_TEMP)

        temper.setText(str(WEEWX_TEMP) +  u'°F')
        press.setText(Config.LPressure + "\n" + '%.2f' % pressi(f['pressure']) + 'in')
        humidity.setText('Humidity' + ' ' + str(WEEWX_HUMIDITY) + ' %')
        wd = WEEWX_WINDDIR
        if Config.wind_degrees:
            wd = str(f['windBearing']) + u'°'
        wind.setText("Wind " + wd + ' ' + '%.0f' % WEEWX_WINDSPEED + ' mph' + "\n" + "Gust" + ' ' + '%.0f' % WEEWX_WINDGUST + ' mph')
        wind2.setText(WEEWX_LFEELS + "\n" + str(WEEWX_FEELSLIKE) +  u'°F')
        wdate.setText('Rain - ' + str(WEEWX_RAIN) + "\n" + 'Rate - ' + str(WEEWX_RAINRATE))

getlocalwxfirst() WEEWX_LFEELS = "Heat Index" WEEWX_FEELSLIKE = str(WEEWX_HEATINDEX) thread = GETLOCALWXD(getlocalwx) thread.start()

billlariv commented 4 years ago

I think I have it figured out. Using weewx opensource weather station software and cumulus extension we are live. Weewx software is getting data from the weather station and the cumulus extension is getting the data as it if fed to the pi. Cumulus is then updating a file named realtime.txt with the latest data from the weather station. It is a one line file so easy enough to read. I have attached my hack at python to the issue.
