n0bel / PiClock

A Fancy Clock built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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Sunrise and Sunset times are not in Summer time #218

Closed wlavallee closed 3 years ago

wlavallee commented 3 years ago

Hello I live in Eastern, and the sunrise and sunset times seem to be in Standard time even in DST. The Time of day is in DST, but not the sunrise/sunset.

Also, the sunrise/sunset times seem to be incorrect.

For example, sunrise this morning was at 5:14AM, but PyClock is saying it is/was at 04:17.

There seems to be a free JSON API for sunrise/sunset at https://api.sunrise-sunset.org/json?lat=XXXX&lng=XXXX

i'd fix it myself, but I don't speak python. Has anyone else seen this?

wlavallee commented 3 years ago

IMG_0944 (1)

Note the bottom line.

SerBrynden commented 3 years ago

I noticed the same problem. The sunrise/sunset times are off by an hour and a few minutes.

SerBrynden commented 3 years ago

@n0bel et al,

In PiClock\Clock\PyQtPiClock.py, in the function tick(), look for

dt = now.replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

and change to the following

dt = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

In the function qtstart(), look for

dt = datetime.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sun = suntimes(Config.location.lat, Config.location.lng) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

and change to the following

dt = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sun = suntimes(Config.location.lat, Config.location.lng) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

For some reason, using replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) gives me a timezone of -4:56, but it should be -4:00 for EDT. This forum post might shed some light on it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60996205/python-datetime-timezone-conversion-off-by-4-minutes

wlavallee commented 3 years ago

@n0bel et al,

In PiClock\Clock\PyQtPiClock.py, in the function tick(), look for

dt = now.replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

and change to the following

dt = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

In the function qtstart(), look for

dt = datetime.datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sun = SunTimes(Config.location.lat, Config.location.lng) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

and change to the following

dt = datetime.datetime.now(tz=tzlocal.get_localzone()) sun = SunTimes(Config.location.lat, Config.location.lng) sunrise = sun.sunrise(dt) sunset = sun.sunset(dt)

For some reason, using replace(tzinfo=tzlocal.get_localzone()) gives me a timezone of -4:56, but it should be -4:00 for EDT. This forum post might shed some light on it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60996205/python-datetime-timezone-conversion-off-by-4-minutes

Thanks, the "SunTimes" needs to be changed to "suntimes". after that, it worked AOK!

wlavallee commented 3 years ago


wlavallee commented 3 years ago

Its completely PoE powered, and has a GPS/GLONASS dongle -- so it keeps up-to-date via NTP, and uses local GPS when available :)