n0bel / PiClock

A Fancy Clock built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi
MIT License
566 stars 182 forks source link

HamClock #83

Open dankolbrs opened 6 years ago

dankolbrs commented 6 years ago

Sorry, not really a PiClock issue but I thought this was cool and wanted to share.

I don't know if this caught anyone else's eye in the latest issue of QST. The code is available but I didn't see a mention of license. The project is Arduino based, and requires some specific Arduino libraries but could probably be ported to a Pi by someone interested enough. The weather aspect is a BME280 sensor.

Built by WB0OEW, more info, code, and full article at http://clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock/ HamClock

SerBrynden commented 6 years ago

As an RF engineer working on a NOAA contract, I love it! Thanks for sharing!

JoshuaKimsey commented 6 years ago

This is so cool!

n0bel commented 6 years ago

@dankolbrs thanks for sharing. Could the next incarnation of PiClock have the flexibility and plugin-ability, in order to come up with this type of screen, or pieces of it? I'm hoping so.

skipwill commented 1 year ago

,I have both hamclock and PiClock running. PiClock is on a 32in tv monitor on a pi A and hamclock is on a pi w VNCed to an old 10in iPad.

SerBrynden commented 1 year ago

HamClock uses an MIT license and there are some "forks" of it on GitHub like the one below, but it's not up to the same version as the original. The original author should really put it on GitHub. :-/ https://github.com/SmittyHalibut/HamClock