n0mad01 / node.bittrex.api

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Trade id for FILLS on websocket data #77

Open nengine opened 6 years ago

nengine commented 6 years ago

Public api has trade id for the fills, but it is missing on websocket feed as shown below. Is there anyway that this trade id can be added to the websocket feed? This way I don't have to poll the public REST api! Thanks.

{ MarketName: 'USDT-NEO',
  Nounce: 418034,
   [ { Type: 1, Rate: 36.077, Quantity: 0 },
     { Type: 2, Rate: 35.90100001, Quantity: 32.14871769 } ],
  Sells: [],
   [ { OrderType: 'SELL',
       Rate: 35.90100001,
       Quantity: 127.95928231,
       TimeStamp: '2017-10-02T16:14:51.317' },
     { OrderType: 'SELL',
       Rate: 36.077,
       Quantity: 33.89750935,
       TimeStamp: '2017-10-02T16:14:51.3' } ] }