Open shaunakv1 opened 11 years ago
I do not understand something: what links and where to add? I can do a merger, it is working, right? And there's no time to check :-)
2013/8/12 Shaunak Vairagare
Hello, this looks like a rather big change because I have cleaned up the app/assets dir and moved the library js to vendor/assets. I have also removed the old template code in the gallery/views/show.rb which was no longer being used as the logic was moved to main.js.
Now expecting a merge as this is a different sample, but changes for moving assets to vendor dir and removing stale template code can be safely merged with the original one one.
It would be great if you could add a short link to this project in the
original readme pointing out a s3 sample. :)
You can merge this Pull Request by running
git pull master
Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary
- Added amazon s3 support and extracted out the jquery-file-upload js libraries into vendor/assets
- updated .gitignore
- updated read me
File Changes
- M .gitignore
- A Fileupload.sublime-project
- A Fileupload.sublime-workspace
- M Gemfile
- M Gemfile.lock
- A Rakefile
- A app/assets/images/NoImageAvailable.jpg
- A app/assets/images/rails.png
- A app/assets/javascripts/application.js
- M app/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js.coffee
- A app/assets/javascripts/galleries.js.coffee
- A app/assets/javascripts/locale.js
- M app/assets/javascripts/main.js
- A app/assets/javascripts/pictures.js.coffee
- A app/assets/stylesheets/Jcrop.gif
- A app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
- M app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less
- A app/assets/stylesheets/closelabel.gif
- A app/assets/stylesheets/jquery.Jcrop.css
- A app/assets/stylesheets/jquery.fileupload-ui.css
- A app/assets/stylesheets/loading.gif
- A app/assets/stylesheets/nextlabel.gif
- A app/assets/stylesheets/pictures.css
- A app/assets/stylesheets/prevlabel.gif
- A app/assets/stylesheets/slimbox2.css
- A app/controllers/application_controller.rb
- A app/controllers/galleries_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/pictures_controller.rb
- A app/helpers/application_helper.rb
- A app/helpers/galleries_helper.rb
- A app/helpers/pictures_helper.rb
- A app/mailers/.gitkeep
- A app/models/.gitkeep
- A app/models/gallery.rb
- A app/models/picture.rb
- M app/uploaders/image_uploader.rb
- A app/views/galleries/_form.html.erb
- A app/views/galleries/edit.html.erb
- A app/views/galleries/index.html.erb
- A app/views/galleries/new.html.erb
- M app/views/galleries/show.html.erb
- M app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
- A app/views/pictures/_form.html.erb
- A app/views/pictures/destroy.js.erb
- A app/views/pictures/edit.html.erb
- A app/views/pictures/index.html.erb
- A app/views/pictures/make_default.js.erb
- A app/views/pictures/new.html.erb
- A app/views/pictures/show.html.erb
- A assets/.gitkeep b/lib/assets/.gitkeep
- A config.ru
- A config/application.rb
- A config/boot.rb
- A config/database.yml
- A config/environment.rb
- A config/environments/development.rb
- A config/environments/production.rb
- A config/environments/test.rb
- A config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
- A config/initializers/carrierwave.rb
- A config/initializers/inflections.rb
- A config/initializers/mime_types.rb
- A config/initializers/secret_token.rb
- A config/initializers/session_store.rb
- A config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
- A config/locales/en.bootstrap.yml
- A config/locales/en.yml
- A config/routes.rb
- A log/.gitkeep
- A migrate/20120529074915_create_galleries.rb b/db/migrate/20120529074915_create_galleries.rb
- A migrate/20120529075041_create_pictures.rb b/db/migrate/20120529075041_create_pictures.rb
- A migrate/20130319201121_add_token_to_gallery.rb b/db/migrate/20130319201121_add_token_to_gallery.rb
- A migrate/20130319201547_add_gallery_token_to_picture.rb b/db/migrate/20130319201547_add_gallery_token_to_picture.rb
- A public/404.html
- A public/422.html
- A public/500.html
- A public/favicon.ico
- A public/robots.txt
- A schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
- A seeds.rb b/db/seeds.rb
- A tasks/.gitkeep b/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
- A vendor/assets/javascripts/.gitkeep
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/bootstrap-image-gallery.min.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/canvas-to-blob.min.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.Jcrop.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.fileupload-ip.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.fileupload-ui.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.fileupload.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.iframe-transport.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/jquery.ui.widget.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/load-image.min.js
- R vendor/assets/javascripts/slimbox2.js
- A vendor/assets/stylesheets/.gitkeep
- A vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
Patch Links:
Best regards, Alexander
Hello, Here is a version with amazon s3 support using carrierwave.
This looks like a rather big change because I have cleaned up the app/assets dir and moved the library js to vendor/assets. I have also removed the old template code in the gallery/views/show.rb which was no longer being used as the logic was moved to main.js.
Now expecting a merge as this is a different sample, but changes for moving assets to vendor dir and removing stale template code can be safely merged with the original one one.
It would be great if you could add a short link to this project in the original readme pointing out a s3 sample. :)