n1k0 / landslide

An HTML5 slideshow generator based on Markdown or reStructuredText
Apache License 2.0
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Bug for heading level 3 for ReST #13

Closed ptitmain closed 13 years ago

ptitmain commented 13 years ago

I think I have found a bug (difficult to reproduce with simple files).

The following ReST file fails to render the level 3 titles (the title is too low and overwrites the text). In this example the title "Heading 3" is bad rendrered:

Heading 1

bla bla

Heading 2

bla bla

Heading 3

Oups !!


Heading 3

oups !

Heading 2


Heading 1.2


ptitmain commented 13 years ago

oups, I posted this bug in the wrong branch :/

ptitmain commented 13 years ago

I'll respost it.

n1k0 commented 13 years ago

No problem, I'm a core contributor ;)

Anyway, I'm aware of this problem, currently Landslide only handle styles down to h2, but I can provide something in this regard :)

n1k0 commented 13 years ago

fixed, check it out

ptitmain commented 13 years ago

I have the feeling that the bug is not fixed for the light theme... (I just tested the other theme of landslide...).

n1k0 commented 13 years ago

should be fixed in my branch (ping adamzap)