n1nj4z33 / iqoptionapi

IQ Option API 4.x (Python 2.7) The project is obsolete and is not supported because of problems with access to IQ Options in Russia
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API buy problem #12

Open Komesz opened 7 years ago

Komesz commented 7 years ago


I want to use api with my pattern for testing in demo account, but it only buys when no candle check runs in pattern. It says it buy it, but not. I can buy while no check runs (only "if self.candles" in pattern) Anybody have an idea about it?

j1and1 commented 7 years ago

Same problem!

It apears that the epiration time is wrong in timesync.... because the response from server contains: {"name":"buyComplete","msg":{"isSuccessful":false,"message":["Time for purchasing options is over, please try again later."],"result":{"request_id":null},"code":4}}

Just don't know how to fix this......

inmarelibero commented 7 years ago

@j1and1 how did you print that response?

j1and1 commented 7 years ago

@inmarelibero I used logger to see what actualy happens when I buy an option......

It seems that api.buy method does not return anything.....

Conveniently I got some help with this issue here

inmarelibero commented 7 years ago

@j1and1 ok, but how did you use the the logger? sorry it's a python related question, I'm not yet experienced with it

crypto-maniac commented 7 years ago

fix expirationtimestamp -= expirationtimestamp % 60;

frxncisjoseph commented 7 years ago

@crypto-maniac This is incorrect and inconsistent. Rounding the timestamp already occurs on the Java API and it still doesn't ensure that trades are executed on time. This has been covered at least 10 times.

MadOne199 commented 7 years ago

Login to iqoption via the app (preferred) or the website (slower). Now notice how the new candle commences at your local time of 00 seconds You need to place your stake before the candle opens, so I suggest doing so at 59 secs local time that is - within the 1 second before the candle opens, this is normal this allows time for the trade request to be received before the candle opens

The websocket (wss connection) will respond if the stake is placed correctly You will get (if you are viewing the wss response); profile listInfoData and buyComplete messages

When the candle closes you are updated with listInfoData and profile messages.

Note, this api does round the time for you = timestamp / 1000 - where timestamp is the time since epoch in milliseconds divided by 1000 to convert to seconds (there are 1000 milliseconds in a second).

What is epoch time? The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

The code below is taken from this api - timesync.py

@property def server_timestamp(self): """Property to get server timestamp.

    :returns: The server timestamp.
    return self.__server_timestamp / 1000

For info; iqoption allows 2 logins from the same ip address, so

So Place your buy command at a local time of 59 secs, just before the candle you wish to trade opens.

playsten4096 commented 7 years ago

Thank you, all works!

vinydl commented 7 years ago

@playsten4096 : Share your working script

lucianopinheiro commented 7 years ago

This code gives at least 1 minute of distance from now to the expiration time. You don't need to make the order exactly at 00 seconds. On my experiments, I had to make the order 2 seconds before the clock turns.

Notice I have changed the timedelta from minutes to seconds (do not use expiration_timestamp as it is a derivate method).

    def expiration_datetime(self):
        """Property to get expiration datetime.
        :returns: The expiration datetime.
        exp = (2 * self.expiration_time * 60) - (self.server_datetime.second % 60)
        return self.server_datetime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=exp)

But the actives have different expiration time. Some have 1 minute, others start from 15 minutes. How can we get the correct choices? Almost sure there is a message for this.

raffvyr787iuf commented 6 years ago

@vinydl and @playsten4096 - do you have, guys, working script? I have the same issue today