n1nj4z33 / iqoptionapi

IQ Option API 4.x (Python 2.7) The project is obsolete and is not supported because of problems with access to IQ Options in Russia
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candles: api.getcandles is not working #13

Closed Olascoaga closed 7 years ago

Olascoaga commented 7 years ago

I have this code with the iqoption api:

from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI
api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "My user", "My pass")
balance = api.profile.balance
print balance
api.setactives([1, 2])
candles = api.getcandles(1,1)
print candles

all is working except the last two lines, candles always return None, not a list how i fix them?


n1nj4z33 commented 7 years ago

api.getcandles(1,1) -- send ws request data = api.candles.candles_data -- get ws response print api.candles.candles_data

Olascoaga commented 7 years ago


that returns a list with three elements like this:

[[1485215293, 1076380, 1076395, 1076395, 1076380], [1485215294, 1076395, 1076400, 1076400, 1076395], [[1485215293, 1076380, 1076395, 1076395, 1076380]]

it is correct? which is the current candle? is the [-1] element?

n1nj4z33 commented 7 years ago

yes current candle data is the last, [-1] element of list

n1nj4z33 commented 7 years ago

or you can get it like this api.candles.current_candle.candle_time api.candles.current_candle.candle_open api.candles.current_candle.candle_close api.candles.current_candle.candle_high api.candles.current_candle.candle_low

and two others candels like this api.candles.first_candle.candle_time api.candles.second_candle.candle_time etc

Olascoaga commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot!

One thing more, some times api.buy() fails don't open a position, why?


burny91 commented 7 years ago

Hi Olascoaga, I was following your questions to get the api running. But I am also not able to retrieve even my account balance. Do you have any experience if the api is only running on Python 2.x and 32-bit? Because my dev setup is based on Python 3.x and 64-bit. All necessary packages are installed: pylint, requests and websocket-client. Would be great if you can post your setup which I can use for troubleshooting.

Code which I am executing:

from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "accountname", "pw") api.connect() balance = api.profile.balance api.setactives([1, 2]) api.getcandles(1,1) print (api.candles.candles_data)

Output: None [Finished in 7.1s]

Regards B

n1nj4z33 commented 7 years ago

@Olascoaga for debug you can add a logger to your code like this import logging

formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console_handler.setFormatter(formatter)

logger = logging.getLogger("iqoptionapi") logger.addHandler(console_handler)

and get all websocket messages

n1nj4z33 commented 7 years ago

@burny91 try to get data in a loop like this while True: print (api.candles.candles_data)

Olascoaga commented 7 years ago

@n1nj4z33 Thanks i try with that, because all the afternoon api.buy() is not working

@burny91 usually the first connection is refused by the server, then you could try whit this:

from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI
import time

balance = None
while True:

    if balance is None:
        api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "user", "pass")
        balance = api.profile.balance
        print balance

Olascoaga commented 7 years ago


I almost forgot, api.getcandles(1,1) and then api.candles.candle_data returns the value of the cotization second by second, correct? How do I get the value per minute for example the value from 12:58:00 to 12:58:59

---- EDIT----

I followed your recommendation

from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI
import time
import logging

formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger("iqoptionapi")

api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "user", "pass")

balance = None
while True:
    if balance == None:
        api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "user", "pass")
        balance = api.profile.balance
        api.buy(10, 1, "turbo", "call")
        balance = api.profile.balance

I got this:

2017-01-26 00:18:11:DEBUG: {"msg": {"direction": "call", "price": 10, "act": 1, "exp": 1485411550.0, "time": 1485411490, "type": "turbo"}, "name": "buyV2"} 2017-01-26 00:18:11:DEBUG: {"name":"timeSync","msg":1485411491313} ["","python-requests/2.12.5"],"host":"iqoption.com","modified":1485411486}} 2017-01-26 00:18:11:DEBUG: {"name":"front","msg":"1-prod-fe-21.mobbtech.com"} 2017-01-26 00:18:11:DEBUG: {"name":"timeSync","msg":1485411491394} 2017-01-26 00:18:11:DEBUG: {"name":"buyComplete","msg":{"isSuccessful":false,"message":["Time for purchasing options is over, please try again later."],"result":{"request_id":null},"

with each active and each time in an interval of a minute

n1nj4z33 commented 7 years ago

try to set candle duration to 60 api.getcandles(1,60)

Sx3 commented 7 years ago

Hi I was trying

from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "user", "password") api.connect() balance = api.profile.balance print balance

but it prints "None" in the console.

rnjane commented 6 years ago

@Sx3 make sure you are using python 2. I had the same problem while using python 3, but it was resolved when i switched to python 2.7

l4p4 commented 6 years ago

Hi @n1nj4z33 , has the problem in getting the candles fixed? I tried using with While, Sleep, but nothing works.

Im using python 2.7.10 and OS X like env

The API is deprecated ?

import time
import logging

formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger("iqoptionapi")

api = None

def connect():
    global api
    if api is None:
        api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "mymail@s.com", "mypassword")
        api.setactives([1, 2])
        print 'Connected at IQ Option'
        if api.profile.balance is None:
            print 'API Connected!'

def balance():
    global api
    print 'Your current blance is: {:.2f}'.format(api.profile.balance)

def candles():
    global api
    api.getcandles(1, 60) #send ws request
    while True:
        print api.candles.candles_data


OUTPUT: ... Connected at IQ Option 2018-06-07 22:17:00:DEBUG: {"msg": {"duration": 60, "till": 1528420620, "chunk_size": 25, "from": 1528420500, "active_id": 1}, "name": "candles"} None 2018-06-07 22:17:01:DEBUG: {"name":"timeSync","msg":1528420621181} None None 2018-06-07 22:17:02:DEBUG: {"name":"timeSync","msg":1528420622190}

Lu-Yi-Hsun commented 6 years ago

try my fork version

l4p4 commented 6 years ago

I'll test @Lu-Yi-Hsun, thanks! Good job!