n1nj4z33 / iqoptionapi

IQ Option API 4.x (Python 2.7) The project is obsolete and is not supported because of problems with access to IQ Options in Russia
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Buy position does not work any more? #55

Open EVAZA opened 6 years ago

EVAZA commented 6 years ago

IQ Option seems changed their API. The current code does not work any more... Have anyone a solution?

kanXuT commented 6 years ago

They added (or req. now) another params in buyV2: skey - is stored in profile user_balance_id - not sure if it's required but I added that and works fine

milteven12 commented 6 years ago

Hello @kanXuT , please, could you explain what should I do? My current code is: captura eurusd

PS: How can I get the skey and user_balance_id? I tried print (api.profile.skey) but the output is None.

kanXuT commented 6 years ago

Sorry not using this api and not famiiar with Python, so this is just where you can look for: you need update buyv2.py ad add something like this:

data = {"price": price, "act": active, "exp": self.api.timesync.expiration_timestamp, "type": option, "direction": direction, "time": self.api.timesync.server_timestamp, "skey": self.api.profile.skey, "user_balance_id": self.api.profile.balance_id }

And if skey and balance_id is not set/deffined, you need fill them up first from profile message ;)

iQBotProject commented 6 years ago

what we should to do exactly

iQBotProject commented 6 years ago

@kanXuT i try a version of api have skey and balance difined and the property in profil and i add self.__balance_id = None


from iqoptionapi.ws.objects.base import Base

class Profile(Base):
    """Class for IQ Option Profile websocket object."""

    def __init__(self):
        super(Profile, self).__init__()
        self.__name = "profile"
        self.__skey = None
        self.__balance = None
        self.__balance_id = None

    def skey(self):
        """Property to get skey value.

        :returns: The skey value.
        return self.__skey

    def skey(self, skey):
        """Method to set skey value."""
        self.__skey = skey

    def balance(self):
        """Property to get balance value.

        :returns: The balance value.
        return self.__balance

    def balance(self, balance):
        """Method to set balance value."""
        self.__balance = balance

    def balance_id(self):
        """Property to get balance_id value.

        :returns: The balance_id value.
        return self.__balance_id

    def balance_id(self, balance):
        """Method to set balance_id value."""
        self.__balance_id = balance_id


from iqoptionapi.ws.chanels.base import Base

class Buyv2(Base):
    """Class for IQ option buy websocket chanel."""
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

    name = "buyV2"

    def __call__(self, price, active, option, direction):
        """Method to send message to buyv2 websocket chanel.

        :param price: The buying price.
        :param active: The buying active.
        :param option: The buying option.
        :param direction: The buying direction.
        data = {"price": price,
                "act": active,
                "exp": self.api.timesync.expiration_timestamp,
                "type": option,
                "direction": direction,
                "time": self.api.timesync.server_timestamp, 
                "skey": self.api.profile.skey, 
                "user_balance_id": self.api.profile.balance_id

        self.send_websocket_request(self.name, data)

always buy not happened i think skey and balance_id is always None

milteven12 commented 6 years ago

@yesamine , just a comment: I have the same version, you don't need to modify the call function to: def call(self, price, active, option, direction,skey,user_balance_id) ?

The thing is, skey and user_balance_id aren't 'None', if you see the log when it connect to the server you will se the values there but I don't know how to retrieve it.

iQBotProject commented 6 years ago

now i tested the iqoptionbot in TEST mode work good and trade and i see skey and balance_id in loge file the probleme this robot not working with other methods like TBL , TBH , ... and have many issues (candles and market ... )

but buy (call , put) work fin thats mean i miss somthing in my simple buy code

import time
from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI

api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "myemail@example.com", "mypass")


balance = api.profile.balance
print (balance)

api.setactives([1, 2])

reslt = api.buy(1, 1, "turbo", "call")
print reslt