n1nj4z33 / iqoptionapi

IQ Option API 4.x (Python 2.7) The project is obsolete and is not supported because of problems with access to IQ Options in Russia
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Win or Lose API Respense #67

Open iQBotProject opened 6 years ago

iQBotProject commented 6 years ago

how to know if i win or lose after buy turbo option how i can get json info to my python code for read num_id_of_my_buy and watch respense if win or lose

plz some help

longErste commented 6 years ago

I don't know but maybe you can detect changes in balance with a loop ?

lucianopinheiro commented 6 years ago

After you make a bet, they have a buycomplete message. And they have an id on it, among other data. So you have 2 listInfoData messages about that bet, identified by that id. The first has just a draw result, allways (I don't know its real purpose). The last one with the real results.