n37sn4k3 / NFC-EMV-Reader

Android Java written application which reads and extracts contactless EMV paycard data using NFC and stores it into a Realm database.
GNU General Public License v3.0
117 stars 46 forks source link

Cannot read paycard issue #2

Open AshleyCao opened 5 years ago

AshleyCao commented 5 years ago

Tried this application with Visa card. It kept giving "Cannot read pay card" info as follow, /com.viliyantrbr.nfcemvpayer D/ReadPaycardActivity: "ReadPaycardActivity": Receiver receive; Cannot read paycard "ReadPaycardActivity": Receiver receive OK; Cannot read paycard I narrowed down to class ReadPayCard line 691: byte[] afl = new TlvUtil().getTlvValue(rGpo, ReadPaycardConstsHelper.AFL_TLV_TAG); Any idea about this?

ianeinser commented 4 years ago

Hi, Tried this application with Visa card. It kept giving "Cannot read pay card" info as follow, /com.viliyantrbr.nfcemvpayer D/ReadPaycardActivity: "ReadPaycardActivity": Receiver receive; Cannot read paycard "ReadPaycardActivity": Receiver receive OK; Cannot read paycard I narrowed down to class ReadPayCard line 691: byte[] afl = new TlvUtil().getTlvValue(rGpo, ReadPaycardConstsHelper.AFL_TLV_TAG); Any idea about this?

I also encountered the same issue. After comparing with other analysis tool from https://github.com/devnied/EMV-NFC-Paycard-Enrollment

I found out that this tool requires Application File Locator which is, in most cases, not available in several paycards. I am not sure whether AFL is mandatory or not. Do you have any idea?