n3bojs4 / octoprint-LCD1602

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Need support OLED 128X32 0.91" #1

Closed hallskelet closed 5 years ago

hallskelet commented 5 years ago

LCD hd44780 (16X2) don`t have I2C. For using him of I2C need additional controller.

OLED 128X32 0.91" https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-0-91-inch-OLED-module-0-91-white-blue-OLED-128X32-OLED-LCD-LED-Display/32672229793.html?spm=a2g0v.10010108.1000016%2FB.1.120b3a55chCa5W&isOrigTitle=true supported I2C.

This display use 3.3V power. You don`t need use level converter for rapsberry pi. This display is quite small and well read. It is much better suited for indicating status on a papsberry pi or printer case.

n3bojs4 commented 5 years ago

Hello Hallskelet,

you are right, this plugin has been created for people who uses hd44780 with I2C controller. I have actually two displays with PCF8574 (I2c contrioller) and i wrote this plugin using RPLCD python plugin (see https://github.com/dbrgn/RPLCD ). Feel free to add support for a hd44780 connected through gpio. I will buy an oled dispay later, and certainly i'll publish a new plugin (with more customisation). As i said, i have two displays with i2c and a sainsmart lcd (3 with a hd44780 without i2c) in my stock it's why i had to use them :)

n3bojs4 commented 5 years ago

i'll create another project for oled

hallskelet commented 5 years ago

I still can’t do the first project of the plugin :) I look forward to a new project.