I noticed that after switching to using PROXY, the bot simply began to freeze about once every 2-3 days. It does not respond to messages in telegram (even /help) and everything is fine in the logs. The application stops by ctrl-с without any logs. It looks like this:
2023-12-14 12:46:34,884 - root - INFO - New message received from user @Jipok (id: 354339153)
^C2023-12-15 14:56:53,751 - telegram.ext.Application - INFO - Application is stopping. This might take a moment.
2023-12-15 14:56:53,751 - telegram.ext.Application - INFO - Application.stop() complete
After a restart, everything works fine.
I assume that the problem is on the part of the telegram bot(perhaps an infinite timeout somewhere). And for now I’ll replace the PROXY with OPENAI_PROXY, since telegram is still working without problems in my country.
I will post before the end of the year if this replacement helps solve the problem.
I noticed that after switching to using
, the bot simply began to freeze about once every 2-3 days. It does not respond to messages in telegram (even /help) and everything is fine in the logs. The application stops by ctrl-с without any logs. It looks like this:After a restart, everything works fine.
I assume that the problem is on the part of the telegram bot(perhaps an infinite timeout somewhere). And for now I’ll replace the
, since telegram is still working without problems in my country. I will post before the end of the year if this replacement helps solve the problem.