n3dst4 / gumshoe-fvtt

Official GUMSHOE system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Ships with compatiblity several settings, and can be customized to work with any other GUMSHOE-based game.
MIT License
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Build points counter #104

Open n3dst4 opened 2 years ago

n3dst4 commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @yarrriv on May 11, 2022, 22:09

I've written up code that adds a build points counter to the Edit portion of the character sheet. Takes into account Occupational skills. (its in my fork in a build-points branch if you want to take a look)

Still thinking about how to incorporate the freebies (Health 4, Stability 1), whether to do this universally in the preferences or individually per character (that would be nice for Credit Rating in Trail...)

(another option: get the default number from the currently-used compendium, kind of nice because it doesn't clutter things with another set of preferences...)

Also need to code in the Fleeing>2Health exception, annoying because it's kludgey and doesn't appear anywhere else, seems bad to hard-code it into the engine but also not great to add a whole option for something that will never get used.

n3dst4 commented 2 years ago

Interesting! I'd held off doing a build point counter for the reasons you're seeing here. There's also some extra chaos when we get to Swords of the Serpentine, where you have two separate pools of build points for general abilities (one main one, and a separate 18 points to divide between Health & Morale). Which is why I was reluctant to start coding in rules directly.

My main work in recent releases has been towards making INVESTIGATOR "pluggable" - so modules can inject themes and presets. It kind of feels to me like we'd need something similar, so we could have modular "build rules". That way, you could have a "Trail of Cthulhu" build rule with everything extremely hard-coded, but it only affects ToC characters. And new modules could inject their own build rules as needed.