n3m3sis00 / phylo-react

React component library for Phylogenetic Analysis
1 stars 1 forks source link

Publish storybook on github pages #28

Open cmdcolin opened 3 years ago

cmdcolin commented 3 years ago

I think this would make a good demo site

Alternatively, we can recreate the app like it was before that uses phylo-react and publish that

cmdcolin commented 3 years ago

Looks like app is autodeployed?

cmdcolin commented 3 years ago

Would be good to publish storybook also

n3m3sis00 commented 3 years ago


I was thinking of some what like this

        //storybook build(only Docified stories)
       // example/ folder build(i.e demo app build using phylo-react)
   index.html // landing page for phylo-react package 

landing page will have different routes for docs, demo, etc And all this will combinely deployed to gh-pages