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Suggestion for t4 arm and core #68

Closed arbolis closed 11 years ago

arbolis commented 13 years ago

As we already have a t4 metal storage, we also need a t4 E storage. Reason? Because when you want to fire rapidly the t4 Buzzaw or use great amounts of E for anything, you need to build a ridiculous amount of t2 E storages. So a t4 one would make things much simpler.

klapmongool commented 13 years ago

Agreed, would make live easier in T4 fase.

nixtux commented 13 years ago

Also agreed I just need to find a suitable unit and I will add it

arbolis commented 13 years ago

Any news on this? I think bla1 could make the model.

seedship commented 13 years ago

me? If nix is willing to texture it, then yes. I might have some ready right now. I am currently trying to learn how to texture, but I am progressing slowly. I can establish hierarchy though, because it is easy.

seedship commented 13 years ago

Hm, i just noticed T4 has no geothermal powerplant. Will one ever be added?

arbolis commented 13 years ago

If you get the model, why not? :)

seedship commented 13 years ago

I am still going to have to get nixtux to write the Unit defs, and do everything else for me. I can make the model, split the hierarchy, and texture.

Also, is the glow made by t1 arm/core energy storages part of the texture map or something else?

El-Inspired commented 13 years ago

A bit off topic, but how difficult is texturing? I can do unit models as well(although I would need to convert to .3do), and if texturing isn't too tough I can learn that. While I'm at it, what is hierarchy =D

seedship commented 13 years ago

Hierarchy is making objects childs of other parent objects. Made simple, think about all the objects like folders. The parents are folders containing other folders, and the child are folders inside others. See this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wWOi9aDIBQ

Texturing is hard for me because I can't make a dds file, and any other format has problems with Upspring. It says it failed to save as .dds, and when I try to load it, nothing happens. I don't know what I do wrong.

http://springrts.com/wiki/Mod_and_Unit_development#Mod_development has lots of good info on unit development. Unit modelling, UV mapping, unit defs, Unit texturing, everything.

nixtux commented 13 years ago

Quick question bla1 why is the texture like that?

seedship commented 13 years ago

They are all simple color. I used the 'flood fill' tool to make them.

seedship commented 13 years ago

Here is link to the two (raw) pieces of first texture map


Edit: I deleted all obsolete links.

j4pk0 commented 12 years ago

About T4 E store for core, as arm and core share the same t4 M store, why they can't have the same E store ? Only thing to do is arm logo replacment on core logo.

nixtux commented 11 years ago

New e stores and m stores will be in 2.20 release

nixtux commented 11 years ago

Added and balanced , now closing issue