n42n / n3n

Peer to Peer VPN
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Add IPv6 support #21

Open hamishcoleman opened 2 months ago

hamishcoleman commented 2 months ago

While the underlying n3n protocol has support for IPv6, the current implementation does not use this properly.

With the future of IP clearly including IPv6, and more and more places supporting it, we want to ensure that n3n also supports it.

NiKola-UE commented 1 month ago

Although is not for anonymity, perhaps the source code of the Yggdrasil could be used because this network active supports IPV6, and in addition the nodes have 3 times stronger encryption than I2P.

hamishcoleman commented 1 month ago

Using the source code from a different VPN would unfortunately either break protocol compatibility with other users or require quite a large amount of code refactoring.

The steps to add IPv6 support are theoretically small and straightforward, but the easy path (one socket with dual-stack support) will not work on Windows as it only supports v4 address remapping, so some refactoring is needed to track multiple simultaneous sockets - which should also be helpful in a number of other cases.

This refactoring is just waiting for some focused time to work on it

NiKola-UE commented 1 month ago

Yggdrasil is not a VPN, but all is the clear.