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Pull possible multiplier from spot comment #14

Open ny4i opened 9 years ago

ny4i commented 9 years ago

If Section/state/county (depending upon the DOM/MULTIPLIERS) is in the spot comments, consider that a multiplier for coloring purposes in the bandmap. Also look in the spot detail for STATEor SECTION (which is the callbook state) and if nothing in the comment, use that. The last item is set in AR cluster with SET/DX/EXTENSION STATE SECTION

ny4i commented 8 years ago

I started a Wiki page to discuss different cluster spot formats to do this. https://github.com/n4af/TR4W/wiki/Accessing-State-and-Section-Information-in-Clusters

ny4i commented 6 years ago

The following email was sent to the TR4W list to see if this would be useful to anyone:

I am curious of the groups opinion about using domestic sections/states from a cluster for multiplier info.

With most DX contests, we can determine the multiplier from the callsign. This allows us to show if the contact is a mult or not based on info we received from the cluster.

There are now some clusters that allow one to add the state and/or section (as well as LOTW status) to the comment section of a spot.

Here is an example from N8NOE.US (An AR-Custer v6 Cluster):

NY4I de N8NOE-2 08-Feb 1903Z arc6> 18135.0 K3FM 08-Feb-2018 1850Z Op Barney +MS 14263.0 N1RPH 08-Feb-2018 1817Z calling CQ +ME 14336.0 N4CD 08-Feb-2018 1756Z KFF-0555 (TX) Texas Point NWR 14336.0 N4CD 08-Feb-2018 1753Z kff0555 el39 TX 28380.0 N6OPR 08-Feb-2018 1746Z + 14274.0 W4JL 08-Feb-2018 1744Z POTA KFF-2726 NC +NC 14263.0 NF7E 08-Feb-2018 1709Z guy only wants DX. +AZ 14287.0 KC0ZNI 08-Feb-2018 1706Z mo KFF1782 KS 50313.0 NF7T 08-Feb-2018 1703Z FT8 cq cq ID 14255.0 W6VAH 08-Feb-2018 1702Z VA HOSPITAL +ORG 7232.5 W4JL 08-Feb-2018 1645Z POTA KFF-2726 NC +NC

Notice the sections appended to the end of the comment section. W6VAH is in ORG for example.

This is enabled by sending SET DX EXTENSION SECTION to the cluster.

If we see this in a spot and it is a domestic contest, I’m curious if anyone things it is a good idea to show that as a mult if we need that one? I will say upfront this may not always be accurate and sometimes a station will be in one section but their address is in another. I also propose that if the spot comment has a valid mult

(like 14265.0 W1VT 08-Feb-2018 1716Z ME +CT

W1VT lives in CT so the section found by the cluster would be CT but the spot comment has a hint that he is in ME. We would consider that ME.

As I said, not fool-proof, but if I weigh the potential for errors versus the ability to use the MULT alarms to show that NE or SC station, it would be a willing trade-off.

This applies to sections or states depending upon the contests.

Would that be a useful feature to anyone?