n4af / TR4W

TRLOG 4 Windows free amateur radio logging application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PLAY MESSAGE_ACTIVE not working for K3 #659

Closed ny4i closed 1 year ago

ny4i commented 1 year ago

With the right codes in the programmed key, program is not playing the message on a K3. This message appeared in the debug log:

debug TR4WDebugLog - [K3-MemoryKeyer] Playing memory 0

I set the string to CQ SSB MEMORY F1=<03>PLAYMESSAGE_ACTIVE=1<04>

Perhaps it needs to be =01. If so, that should be fixed.

ny4i commented 1 year ago

I had the code all wrong for the K3. This was updated to send the right data. This remains to be tested as I have a borrowed K3 here but have not setup until tomorrow. I am confident I have it right so I am committing this one and will correct if necessary.

ny4i commented 11 months ago

I was able to setup the K3S and test this properly. It works as coded so I got it right :)