n4af / TR4W

TRLOG 4 Windows free amateur radio logging application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add ability to mark a QSO as an X-QSO #750

Open ny4i opened 3 months ago

ny4i commented 3 months ago

Sometimes we do not want to delete a QSO but do not want it to be counted a QSO in the Cabrillo file. Cabrillo allows for the QSO to be marked X-QSO in this case. This could be a case where one works a station incorrectly (extra band change or working a DX station in the middle of the contest--non-contest related station that is).

QSOs can be marked deleted in the Edit dialog, but there should be another option to mark it as an X-QSO. This should go in the ContestExchange (use a reserved field).

When the Cabrillo file is created, if x-qso is true, emit X-QSO instead of QSO in that entry. The QSO should be exported from ADIF as normal.

Also, when the QSO is marked an X-QSO, the LogContactToUDP should set IsClaimedQSO to 0 instead of 1.