List to go by as per
[ ] search
[ ] sticky, lock , raw html
[ ] and delete, unsticky, sage, lock, move and edit
[ ] support for post formatting
[ ] support for reply linking
[ ] overboard extensions
[ ] is performant and secure
[x] word filters (see whitepaper)
[x] moderation dashboard
[x] new board creation
[x] uses database
[x] user management
[x] themes or extensions
[x] reporting system / log
[x] moderation log
[x] configuration editor
[x] name, email, subject, spoiler image, file ,oekaki
[x] trip codes
[x] banners support
[x] moderation actions
[x] image / file upload
[x] thumbnail image support
[x] ImgOps iqdb
[x] anonymous naming scheme
[x] board customization
[x] api probably 4chan api compatible or similar
[x] catalog extension
[x] recent posts
[x] css themes
[x] hackable (easy to extend, modify and customize)
[x] board aliases
[ ] customisable header support[ ] keyboard navigation[ ] word / phrase blocking[ ] works with and without JavaScript[ ] file / post deletion and password[ ] ban appeals[ ] ban list[ ] board deletion and editing #wontfix
[ ] thread merge[ ] auto IP note generation[ ] multiple file upload using URLs[ ] server side syntax highlighting #wontfix
List to go by as per [ ] search [ ] sticky, lock , raw html [ ]
and delete,unsticky, sage, lock,move and edit[ ] support for post formatting [ ] support for reply linking [ ] overboard extensions [ ] isperformant andsecure [x] word filters (see whitepaper) [x] moderation dashboard [x] new board creation [x] uses database [x] user management [x] themes or extensions [x] reporting system / log [x] moderation log [x] configuration editor [x] name, email, subject, spoiler image, file ,oekaki[x] trip codes [x] banners support [x] moderation actions [x] image / file upload [x] thumbnail image support [x] ImgOps iqdb [x] anonymous naming scheme [x] board customization [x] api probably 4chan api compatible or similar [x] catalog extension [x] recent posts [x] css themes [x] hackable (easy to extend, modify and customize) [x] board aliases wontadd:[ ] customisable header support[ ] keyboard navigation[ ] word / phrase blocking[ ] works with and without JavaScript[ ] file / post deletion and password[ ] ban appeals[ ] ban list[ ] board deletion and editing#wontfix[ ] thread merge[ ] auto IP note generation[ ] multiple file upload using URLs[ ] server side syntax highlighting#wontfix