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Dependencies for Opensuse Tumbleweed #52

Closed tiwaripramod99 closed 4 years ago

tiwaripramod99 commented 4 years ago

I tried installing the app the described way, but I'm unable to get a workaround for dependencies in Opensuse Tumbleweed.

Can anyone help me out with the dependencies? Thankyou.

n4n0GH commented 4 years ago

Sure, can you post the log output for the CMAKE command so I can see what dependencies you're actually missing?

tiwaripramod99 commented 4 years ago

➜ build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
-- Could NOT find XCB_XEVIE (missing: XCB_XEVIE_LIBRARY) (found version "") -- Could NOT find XCB_XPRINT (missing: XCB_XPRINT_LIBRARY) (found version "") -- didnt find kwineffects.h, not building effects -- didnt find kwineffects lib, not building effects -- didnt find kwin glutils lib, not building effects CMake Error at kwin-effects/CMakeLists.txt:84 (message): cant continue

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/pramod/Desktop/hello/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/pramod/Desktop/hello/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

n4n0GH commented 4 years ago

Check if you have the libxcb-devel package installed.

tiwaripramod99 commented 4 years ago

libxcb-devel is already installed.

Raincode commented 4 years ago

I had to add the following. However, consider this list may be incomplete, since I may have already installed some dependencies.

zypper install libqt5-qttools-devel libQt5OpenGL-devel libQt5Network-devel libQt5DBus-devel

But then I realized KDE Frameworks is lower than version 5.9 so I can't build it on Tumbleweed :)

-- Found KF5Config: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5Config/KF5ConfigConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
-- Found KF5ConfigWidgets: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5ConfigWidgets/KF5ConfigWidgetsConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
-- Found KF5CoreAddons: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5CoreAddons/KF5CoreAddonsConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
-- Could NOT find KF5Crash (missing: KF5Crash_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5Crash: found neither KF5CrashConfig.cmake nor kf5crash-config.cmake 
-- Could NOT find KF5GlobalAccel (missing: KF5GlobalAccel_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5GlobalAccel: found neither KF5GlobalAccelConfig.cmake nor kf5globalaccel-config.cmake 
-- Found Gettext: /usr/bin/msgmerge (found version "") 
-- Found KF5I18n: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5I18n/KF5I18nConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
-- Could NOT find KF5KIO (missing: KF5KIO_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5KIO: found neither KF5KIOConfig.cmake nor kf5kio-config.cmake 
-- Could NOT find KF5Service (missing: KF5Service_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5Service: found neither KF5ServiceConfig.cmake nor kf5service-config.cmake 
-- Could NOT find KF5Init (missing: KF5Init_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5Init: found neither KF5InitConfig.cmake nor kf5init-config.cmake 
-- Could NOT find KF5Notifications (missing: KF5Notifications_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5Notifications: found neither KF5NotificationsConfig.cmake nor kf5notifications-config.cmake 
-- Could NOT find KF5Service (missing: KF5Service_DIR)
-- Could NOT find KF5Service: found neither KF5ServiceConfig.cmake nor kf5service-config.cmake 
-- Found KF5WidgetsAddons: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5WidgetsAddons/KF5WidgetsAddonsConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
-- Found KF5WindowSystem: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5WindowSystem/KF5WindowSystemConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
-- Found KF5GuiAddons: /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5GuiAddons/KF5GuiAddonsConfig.cmake (found version "5.65.0") 
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:146 (message):
  Could NOT find KF5 (missing: Crash GlobalAccel KIO Service Init
  Notifications Service) (found suitable version "5.65.0", minimum required
  is "5.9.0")
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:393 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
  /usr/share/ECM/find-modules/FindKF5.cmake:110 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
  kwin-effects/CMakeLists.txt:37 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
n4n0GH commented 4 years ago

Since when is 65 a lower number than 9? I'm a bit confused. As you can see on the screenshot attached, I'm using 5.65 as well and it builds just fine. There must be some other issue that prevents the build from succeeding. scrot_20200106194005

rdrms commented 4 years ago

Just set it up. Besides doing the Fedora command (which returned error: kwin-devel nonexistent)

Added the following packages:

sudo zypper in libQt5OpenGL-devel kio-devel libQt5Network-devel knotifications-devel kinit-devel kpackage-devel

This allowed me to build and install using the regular instructions, not sure if this is an exhaustive list of what you need to install. Screenshot_20200107_183845

sergiofenoll commented 4 years ago

Also running openSUSE Tumbleweed and encountering the same issue where XCB_XEVIE and XCB_XPRINT are missing and neither of the zypper install commands pulled in the necessary dependencies.

I asked about it on the openSUSE Discord server and apparently those two packages/components (?) were removed from the libxcb-devel package and are seemingly not made available through other packages.

tiwaripramod99 commented 4 years ago

The issue got resolved.

What I found is, XCB_XEVIE & XCB_PRINT are not necessarily required for compiling the app. What I had missing were, kwin-effects related libraries, which once I installed, the app compiled successfully.

Here's a list of libraries I installed, sudo zypper in libqt5-qtbase-common-devel libQt5Core-devel libQt5Gui-devel libQt5DBus-devel libqt5-qttools-devel libqt5-qtx11extras-devel libQt5OpenGL-devel libQt5Network-devel libepoxy-devel kcrash-devel kglobalaccel-devel kconfig-devel kconfigwidgets-devel ki18n-devel kio-devel kinit-devel knotifications-devel kguiaddons-devel xcb-util-devel xcb-util-cursor-devel xcb-util-wm-devel xcb-util-keysyms-devel kwindowsystem-devel libKF5WindowSystem5-lang

sergiofenoll commented 4 years ago

@tiwaripramod99 is right, although CMake complains that XCB_XEVIE and XCB_XPRINT could not be found, it still compiles the project. Thanks a lot!

Raincode commented 4 years ago

Since when is 65 a lower number than 9? I'm a bit confused. As you can see on the screenshot attached, I'm using 5.65 as well and it builds just fine.

You are right, somehow in my mind I read that as 5.6.5... I have the exact same system on a fresh install and have the same errors.

There must be some other issue that prevents the build from succeeding.

Yes, for example 20 or so packages missing, which I could not find (e. g. the KF5 errors), because I am a noob with KDE :)

@tiwaripramod99 Could you add kdeclarative-devel to your list, please. It is required, too (at least it was for me)

I would suggest we add the dependency installation instructions to the README for Tumbleweed, it is very helpful!

n4n0GH commented 4 years ago

I'd really appreciate if someone could do a PR with the updated lists as I'm not having as much time working on this anymore so I need to focus on bugs and features. Otherwise it might take some time before the update lands in the actual README.

n4n0GH commented 4 years ago

Thanks to @sergiofenoll for creating the PR!