n4ze3m / dialoqbase

Create chatbots with ease
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Getting error while we ask a question to chatbot. #170

Closed Shubham5231 closed 6 months ago

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago


Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

@n4ze3m can u check it out this issue plz

n4ze3m commented 6 months ago

Hey, are you using OpenAI embeddings? Is this error still occurring?

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

yes we are using openAI emededdings and aslo this error still occurring

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

@n4ze3m when i use model is GPT-3.5 turbo(OpenAI) and emededdings is text-emededding-ada-002 we use

n4ze3m commented 6 months ago

Please verify that the OpenAI API key is working, as it may be the cause of the issue.

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

@n4ze3m okey

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

@n4ze3m can plz tell me the which Chat Model we are use and Embedding model we use ? we need stable version so please

n4ze3m commented 6 months ago

I can't recommend a specific model. Usually, I chat with the X application using OpenAI models

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

@n4ze3m can u look at this error because i try with latested version 4.6. image

n4ze3m commented 6 months ago

I will look into it. I tested it yesterday, but I can't reproduce the error.

Shubham5231 commented 6 months ago

@n4ze3m okey , plz resolve this issue