n4ze3m / page-assist

Use your locally running AI models to assist you in your web browsing
MIT License
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Chat with page: (ir)relevant content #144

Open lboklin opened 2 months ago

lboklin commented 2 months ago

I'm creating a separate issue from https://github.com/n4ze3m/page-assist/issues/56 since this is more of an actual bug than a problem of UX.

Unless it's a context size problem I'm experiencing, it appears that on some webpages, only styling gets embedded without any actual article content.

Excuse the controversial content - it's the only example I have at the moment: URL: https://xinjiangahr.carrd.co/ image (It would start talking about dark styling rules so I disabled Dark Reader for the site, but it didn't fix the underlying problem.)

n4ze3m commented 2 months ago

I will add Mozilla readability, which will hopefully solve the issue. Additionally, I'm adding an option for chatting with the web page without embedding #104

lboklin commented 2 months ago

I noticed just now that the affected page in particular does not have a reader mode available, so it may not be solved only by adding that. It may be solved by #104, however, I would nonetheless expect the embedding to be of the currently rendered page content rather than the static resource associated to it.

n4ze3m commented 2 months ago

Hey, the latest version 1.1.16 has improved chat with website mode. Let me know if you are still facing any errors :)