n4ze3m / page-assist

Use your locally running AI models to assist you in your web browsing
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speedup the process of create embeding when adding new knowledge #57

Open hitzhangjie opened 2 months ago

hitzhangjie commented 2 months ago

I see it will call /api/embedding APi when adding new knowledge, could we speedup the process by concurrency?

I want to chat with some golang/proposals (cat them all into a big text file) or chat with a book (like Git Pro.pdf). It takes a long time to create the embedding.

ps: And I ask how git rebase works, but it said the knowledge doesn't provide relevant content. Apparently Git Pro.pdf contains relevant content.

n4ze3m commented 2 months ago

Since it's a Chrome extension, it may have some limitations, but I will look into how to add concurrency, which would be a really good feature

hitzhangjie commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much. I really enjoy this Chrome extension. ❤️