n76 / DejaVu

Yet another network location backend for the UnifiedNLP/microG project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Android 11 requires permanent location permission #39

Open breversa opened 2 years ago

breversa commented 2 years ago

Android 11 apparently requires new permissions to work in background : https://medium.com/swlh/request-location-permission-correctly-in-android-11-61afe95a11ad

Without it, DéjàVu doesn't seem to work (tested with Satstat). :-(

breversa commented 2 years ago

Related : https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues/1440 ?

breversa commented 2 years ago

The solution that worked for me : https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues/1440#issuecomment-902846916

I was using https://github.com/FriendlyNeighborhoodShane/MinMicroG as a Magisk module, and from what I understand, apps embedded in a Magisk module do not quite follow the same permissions as normal apps. The solution was to disable the Magisk module, install the MicroG GMS Core and the NLP backends as normal apps, start each of them to grant them background location access, then activate the Magisk module and reboot. :-)

n76 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for noticing this issue and finding a work around.

I no longer even have an Android phone to check changes much less do development. If you know anyone who would like to take over this project, please refer them to me.

breversa commented 2 years ago

Random thought : why not band up with https://github.com/zamojski/TowerCollector, since both DéjàVu and TowerCollector pretty much do the same : list cell tower/wifi networks seen at a given (satellite-located) place ?

herrdeh commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that with Andro11, Déja does no longer work as flawlessly as I was used to in former OS versions.

@breversa : I checked your hint - but cannot understand what I have to do. I have lineageOS with microG integrated, magisk as well - so what would be the steps I have to carry out? - Could we have these hints on the main page? I wasted quite some time to find out that Déja does not longer work out of the box.

Anyway: I think this is a really valuable and important piece of software, I'd really regret if it would pass away.

breversa commented 2 years ago

@herrdeh Actually my issue was due to the fact that I used https://github.com/FriendlyNeighborhoodShane/MinMicroG as a Magisk module.

If you've installed MicroG in another way, I may not be able to help. :(

herrdeh commented 1 year ago

Thank you for clarification. Pity, so it seems there is no solution to be implemented with moderate effort at present.

I really regret, déjà really is a desirable feature!

appeasementPolitik commented 1 year ago

I had this same issue on my Android 11 phone (LineageOS 18.1), but I fixed it by flashing the UNLP zip file from MinMicroG. This installs DejaVu as a root application and sets up its permissions. The NoGoolag file should also work. I also compiled and installed Helium314's fork of DejaVu, but I'm sure if that is necessary or if the standard application works.

appeasementPolitik commented 1 year ago

I also disabled wifi scan throttling in developer options, but I haven't tested enough to say it makes a difference.