n76 / PeerVue

A PeerTube app/channel for Roku
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Playlist support? #14

Open NewEllijayTV opened 2 years ago

NewEllijayTV commented 2 years ago


I'm new to brightscript, but I've done some coding on other platforms in the past.

I'm working with some first time coders to build a roku channel using the peervue source as an educational project.

We're going to tie it to a single instance with heavy moderation. Hopefully, we'll be able to get it published in the official roku store. (and, of course, any improvements we're able to make I will be happy to submit here as PRs, if you're interested.)

They're trying to figure out how to implement playlist support, such that one of the rows on the home scene can be playlists, with the thumbnail of each playlist displayed, and clicking through gets you a detail view with all of the videos in the playlist.

One of the students was able to get a detail view working without many issues, and I think one of the new coders who is working on the project got it to queue up the next video in the playlist automatically.

Where they're struggling is figure out how to get the playlists to display in the home scene. I took a quick look earlier, and saw that we'll need to modify sub loadVideoInfo(uuid) in home_scene.brs, but I suspect that there are other places I've missed.

I was hoping you'd be able to provide some guidance on other places in the code that might need to be updated to enable playlist support.

Either way, thank you for your time, and look for a fork from us soon.