n8n-io / n8n

Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
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workflows.map is not a function #9429

Closed zhiru closed 2 weeks ago

zhiru commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Description

when executing for example n8n import:workflow --input=/home/node/.n8n/workflows/backups/RvOzh6w5dDiHnLgY.json

show me the errors:

~/.n8n/workflows/backups $ n8n import:workflow --input=/home/node/.n8n/workflows/backups/RvOzh6w5dDiHnLgY.json User settings loaded from: /home/node/.n8n/config An error occurred while importing workflows. See log messages for details. workflows.map is not a function

To Reproduce

Install docker queue mode with worker and webhook, try to import workflow

Expected behavior

workflow imported with success

Operating System

Windows 11

n8n Version

1.41.1 (latest)

Node.js Version



SQLite (default)

Execution mode


netroy commented 2 weeks ago

n8n import:workflow --input=file.json assumes that file.json contains an array of objects. This sounds like this file contains a single object, which would imply that it was either downloaded from the web/frontend, or was was exported with a --separate flag.

Can you please try either running n8n import:workflow --separate --input=/home/node/.n8n/workflows/backups to import all backups from that folder, or import this single workflow via the UI instead.

zhiru commented 2 weeks ago

worked, thanks!!