n8thangreen / BCEA

Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis. Given the results of a Bayesian model (possibly based on MCMC) in the form of simulations from the posterior distributions of suitable variables of costs and clinical benefits for two or more interventions, produces a health economic evaluation. Compares one of the interventions (the "reference") to the others ("comparators"). Produces many summary and plots to analyse the results
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

enable hiding the "k=..". text on `ceplane.plot()` #151

Closed n8thangreen closed 9 months ago

n8thangreen commented 9 months ago

It seems that there's a label.pos=FALSE argument for moving this text around but its not currently being used. It previously moved the "k=..." text to the bottom of the screen when set to TRUE.

What I can do is use this and make it so that label.pos=NA doesn't show it?

n8thangreen commented 9 months ago

actually used the ggplot2 syntax thats used for other plotting arguments so that we can now pass e.g. wtp = list(value = 20000, colour = "blue", x = 10, y = 10, size = 4) so can do something like wtp = list(size = 0) to hide the willingness to pay text.

n8thangreen commented 9 months ago

closed by 3d8a770