We've been using grunt-postcss + autoprefixer in combination with GruntJS for a long time. Since last friday it's come to our attention that autoprefixer does not work anymore.
It does generate a file, but without any prefixes:
Pixrem and cssnano still work like a charm. We can't seem to get autoprefixer to work however.
Our gruntfile:
// Compile Sass to CSS and produce SoureMaps;
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
sourceMap: false,
outputStyle: 'uncompressed'
files: [{
src: 'scss/main.scss',
dest: 'dist/css/styles.min.css',
ext: '.css'
// PostCSS for adding prefixers and setting rem to pixels;
postcss: {
dist: {
src: 'dist/css/styles.min.css'
options: {
map: false,
// or
// map: {
// inline: false, // save all sourcemaps as separate files...
// annotation: 'dist/css/' // ...to the specified directory
// },
processors: [
require('pixrem')( { atrules: true }), // add fallbacks for rem units
require('autoprefixer')( { browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'android >= 4.4', 'ie>7'] }), // add vendor prefixes
require('cssnano')() // minify the result
We've been using grunt-postcss + autoprefixer in combination with GruntJS for a long time. Since last friday it's come to our attention that autoprefixer does not work anymore.
It does generate a file, but without any prefixes:
Pixrem and cssnano still work like a charm. We can't seem to get autoprefixer to work however.
Our gruntfile:
Dependencies (all up to date):
Could you point us in the right direction?