Near the traditional Run/Single/Stop, put a line of text that expalins why the scope is (not) doing something. It may have to do with power/fault, or trigger type & status, or what mode is selected.
waiting for trigger
single sweep occurred, stopped now
±5 is off due to power button pushed
±5 is off due to overcurrent fault
no trace selected, choose at least one
XY mode
Roll mode, no logging
Roll mode with logging, 52876 samples so far...
Near the traditional Run/Single/Stop, put a line of text that expalins why the scope is (not) doing something. It may have to do with power/fault, or trigger type & status, or what mode is selected.
waiting for trigger single sweep occurred, stopped now ±5 is off due to power button pushed
±5 is off due to overcurrent fault no trace selected, choose at least one XY mode Roll mode, no logging Roll mode with logging, 52876 samples so far...