nRF24 / RF24

OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
GNU General Public License v2.0
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NRF24 Comunication samples doesn't works #211

Closed Xenon7697 closed 8 years ago

Xenon7697 commented 8 years ago

I have plugged NRF24l01 exactly as writen. Power to 3.3V on power have 100uF and 100nF capacitor. But I have unreasonable incoming digits Sent response 4294967167 Sent response 4294967167 Sent response 4294954815 Sent response 4286578559 Sent response 1811939328 Sent response 4294471680 Sent response 4294966543 Sent response 4294967167 Sent response 2133917696 Sent response 0 Sent response 671105792 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 4294967166 Sent response 4294967167

and can't make it work, how to solve this?

And there is Joystick example from:

Packet Received - Sent response 0uS X= 0 Y= 0 Switch OFF Packet Received - Sent response 2020360192uS X= 16504 Y= 24624 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 4194303871uS X= -1 Y= -1 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 1749043720uS X= 16384 Y= 26688 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 4294967167uS X= -1 Y= -1 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 4294932753uS X= 29695 Y= -1 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 0uS X= 0 Y= 0 Switch OFF Packet Received - Sent response 2097152uS X= 0 Y= 0 Switch OFF Packet Received - Sent response 4294967119uS X= -3 Y= -1 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 4294967167uS X= -2 Y= -1 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 0uS X= 24800 Y= 112 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 2115584uS X= 16416 Y= 24896 Switch ON Packet Received - Sent response 0uS X= 0 Y= 0 Switch OFF Packet Received - Sent response 2137014336uS X= 32638 Y= 26876 Switch ON

What can be wrong?

Avamander commented 8 years ago

Seems like bad wiring. Triple check it.

Plus the sketch you are using is extremely old. Use the ones built into the library instead.

Try 1000uF capacitor soldered (!) directly to the VCC and GND pins of the nRF24L01+.

Make sure the distance of the Arduinos is at least 1m but not much more.

Make sure you have correctly defined the CS and CSN pins (see PingPair example to see how it's defined).

Make sure you have correctly changed the radio number.

Make sure your wires are not too long 15cm max, the shorter the better plus make sure it's thick enough so no ribbon cable.

Xenon7697 commented 8 years ago

ok, I have checked wiring several times, NRF Arduino GND GND VCC VCC3.3+ CE Set to 9 CSN Set to 10 SCK 13 MOSI 11 MISO 12

I use example what is coming with library. (Getting Started) example in TMRh20 library CS an CSN pins is set as it need to be, I have changed to diferent pins too. I have trying several distances from 1m to 10m Radio number on one arduino is 0 and on second arduino I have 1 wires I have 4cm short.

Stil no luck with comunication. I have changed NRF boards to with new one, no result.

Avamander commented 8 years ago

How does your module look like?

Xenon7697 commented 8 years ago

Avamander commented 8 years ago

Check if your 3.3V supply is 3.3V supply. Also attach 500uF electrolytic capacitor to your module's GND and VCC pins.

Xenon7697 commented 8 years ago

I have measure, board have exactly 3.3052V Capacitor is added, but result is the same. I also have nRF24L01+PA+LNA and with this board result is the same. I have desperate, what is wrong?

Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 1056964608 Sent response 0 Sent response 16777216 Sent response 1061101312 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 514 Sent response 0 Sent response 1061101375 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 17776399 Sent response 0 Sent response 33554432 Sent response 1057030671 Sent response 0 Sent response 1061109511 Sent response 16777216 Sent response 2134843199 Sent response 117653251 Sent response 0 Sent response 1065320255 Sent response 16777216 Sent response 2139094847 Sent response 251658240 Sent response 0 Sent response 1061109567 Sent response 0 Sent response 15 Sent response 0 Sent response 1061109567 Sent response 520093696 Sent response 65536 Sent response 0 Sent response 4282335039 Sent response 251658240 Sent response 0 Sent response 234881024 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 0 Sent response 4294934335

It is result if run just one board, and if run second board who transmit, it is nothing to change.

Avamander commented 8 years ago

As a one last thing you can try removing your Arduino IDE and all RF24 libraries you can find (Use the file search just in case). Then redownload latest Arduino IDE (1.6.*) and use the Library Manager to download the latest library.

Also post printdetails() output here (there are examples where it's done if you do not know how).

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago



This is my 3rd day trying to send "hello world" using this tutorial

I've tripled check all connections ,,, added 1000uf cap... stable 3.3 v using osciloscope ... reinstalled IDE and RF24 lib...

nothing ... doesn't work

i'm just going crazy... such simple should be but ......

Avamander commented 6 years ago

Stable 3.3V but do you actually have communication? Does printDetails() print the right details? Are you actually using the latest stable IDE and library on a clean install? There are quite a few variables here and you mess one up and you won't get it working.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

DOWNLOADED 1.8.5 IDE and installed after using ctrl panel to uninstall old one, deleted all old libraries files etc Installed RF24 tmrh via Arduino.

arduino UNO connections :

SCK =13 MISO =12 MOSI=11 CE = 7 CSN= 8

MEGA 2560 CE =7 CSN =8 MISO=50 MOSI=51 SCK=52 ALSO added pinmode 53 output in void setup

Im using 3.3 v source from

ADDED 1000uf cap aswell

soldered connections between nrf24 and arduinos...

I have 4 days now trying to send hello world ... i 'm going super crazy

ortegafernando commented 6 years ago

I dont remember exactly, but try to CHANGE radio Number at the begining of the sketch. Uno could be 0, and MEGA could be 1. Check that way

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

BOTH NRF24 can't be faulty because i have a RC remote controll modified by somebody to drive the DRONE via rf24 module and both of them work ...

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

done the thing with radio 1 and 0 ... no luck...

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

USING getting started..

SERIAL monitor for UNO responds to T and R key but mega doesn't .... on mega it is stuck on RF24/examples/GettingStarted *** PRESS 'T' to begin transmitting to the other node if I desolder CSN or CE it responds to buttons... also there is no doubt that CE and CSN are not connected correctly.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

i think is just a bad library ... lots of people having issues...

Avamander commented 6 years ago

@Allecsxx If it were a bad library it wouldn't work for anyone, "on mega it is stuck on RF24/examples/GettingStarted" sounds like your connection is messed up. You also haven't mentioned what's the output of printDetails() what is rather crucial to debugging what's wrong with your setup. Also please don't spam the issue tracker, you could have fit all your tests/issue into one comment.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

are not messed up .. just 7 cables to follow... i'm not an idiot... to prove i've asked my wife to check them just in case i'm too mad to see the problem. she said is correct...

Avamander commented 6 years ago

Just give us here the printDetails() output please. It'll tell if your're right or not in an instant.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

ok... how do i do that ?

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

i'm just too mad nothing is clear anymore i can't concentrate

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

include prinf

and printdetails () on void loop?

Avamander commented 6 years ago

Put it into setup()'s last line.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

'printDetails' was not declared in this scope

EDIT: ok ok radio.printdetails(); EDIT2: well... nothing is coming... still stuck on press T EDIT3: desoldered CE CSN ... serial monitor is printing

Sent 87974644, Got response 4294967167, Round-trip delay 10984 microseconds

Avamander commented 6 years ago

desoldered CE CSN


Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

yes ... i have soldered wires between NRFmodule pins to arduino pins... (on the back of arduino)

there is no short ...

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

believe me i arrieved to a stage that i wanted to avoid any dummy problem like lose connections and so on

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

ok i'm getting out to buy other 2 boards

1 arduino uno 1 mega

new pin cables and so on

i will get a breadboard psu just to make everything different

i will be back in 2 hours

will you be able to help me?

i will provide team viewer and live images showing what i'm doing

Avamander commented 6 years ago

The modules will never work without CE and CSN connection. It's quite likely you've forgotten to update the pin definitions in the sketch following that YT tutorial (it isn't using the default pins) instead of the default pins in the documentation.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

i have radio pins 7 and 8

i'm just using getting started example... not modified anything

Avamander commented 6 years ago

Then connect CE to 7 and CSN to 8 accordingly. Then post the output of printDetails() you placed in the end of setup.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Done this but is not printing anything. .... It only prints "serialprint(whatever)-> press T

EDIT: And get stuck.... If csn ce removed.. it prints send response random numbers.. if reverse them it prints random numbers. If csn ce connected correctly it gets stuck with the last print.

EDIT2: If somebody wants to see this i will provide team viwer and live images with the boards connected. Believe me guys i have 4 days with this... I eliminated all possible mistake

Avamander commented 6 years ago

Done this but is not printing anything. .... It only prints

It is printing something.

it gets stuck

This is as specific as the sentence "some car did stopped somewhere at some point". Details are extremely needed. On what line exactly does the code freeze? What board are you currently using? What OS? What kind of wires are you using (how long are they)? Is multimeter showing the connections are continuous and there are no shorts?

I eliminated all possible mistake

Clearly not. Also please don't post multiple comments with short intervals, it's rather cluttering.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago


1.Arduino Uno R3 2.Mega2560

3.3 V out from breadboard PSU (tested with osciloscope)i will provide pictures in next minutes

10cm longest cable male to female breadboard cables

Multimeter showing continues conections between male to female of each pin.

Windows 8

Arduino 1.8.5 freshly installed yesterday Rf24 tmrh freshly installed yesterday after deleting all files from previous installation

Uploaded getting started example on both boards and modified radio number to 1 for MEGA board. Also added pinmode 53 as output.(uploaded without pinmode 53 output aswell and no luck)

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Added caps up to 1000uf Radio pins CE CSN 7 and 8 to each board Replaced psu with a laboratory psu the one in the link on a comment above. Replaced cables Replaced boards (new uno r3 , new mega2560) Used different radio pins 9 and 10 Uploaded same sketch on new boards (the one that didn't work with old boards) Uploaded 3 different sketchs found on tutorials where people were saying it works

What else i should do to make it work?

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

As i said i can easily provide team viewer and live streaming of my desk

Avamander commented 6 years ago

One board at a time. On what line exactly does the code freeze on the Uno?

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Uno connections

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

MEGA connections

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

print details is not printing anything on serial monitor

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Ok... Now it's quite... Thanks for help. Definitely there is a issue with the library. If at least somebody was ibterested to debug i would be keeping it... But as nobody is interested i will move on

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Haha... Shit library... Installed other library work perfect..

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Sorry... But you deserve.. You never believed ... Everything was to prove there is something wrong on my end.... Guess what... Didn't touched the boards ... Used your library instead and is not working. How about that?

wmarkow commented 6 years ago

It can be that @Allecsxx had the similar issue with the GettingStarted as @RaviOli here in issue #217 and me as well in #217.

As @ortegafernando has mentioned that before

I dont remember exactly, but try to CHANGE radio Number at the begining of the sketch. Uno could be 0, and MEGA could be 1. Check that way

there is an issue with the GettingStarted example; if you upload the same sketch to both Arduino's then it will not work. You need to change the radioNumber variable to 0 and upload the sketch to Arduino Uno, then you need to change the radioNumber to 1 and upload the sketch to Arduino Mega.

But anyway - before proceed with two boards communication - first I would make sure that every board can correctly communicate with their RF24 chip; so printing the printDetails() result to serial port would be helpful.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

You have a video above comment showing uploadind print details function and not printing.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Something is going wrong with the library as no matter to which example i add printdetails it will not print any details on serial monitor. I included printf and added radio.printDetails(); last line in void setup. Not working this way.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Also i uploaded with radio 0to UNO and radio 1 to MEGA and no improvements :) its funny now as nothing can make it work. But other maniac library works perfectly.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago


Avamander commented 6 years ago

From that half of printdetails, I can quite safely assume one of five things listed (in the rank of probability): 1) Bad wiring, connection to the module - see the documentation how it should be 3) Bad pin definitions 2) Module itself 4) Faulty SPI library 5) Black magic

And you still haven't spent the effort to determine on what line the code freezes.

Allecsxx commented 6 years ago

Successfully made it to work with 2 pro mini boards. ... I think there is a issue with hardware spi