nRF24 / RF24

OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Question] compile error #622

Closed OLLYDOTDEV closed 3 years ago

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

Hey wondering if anyone is able to help me

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <RF24/RF24.h>

void setup(void) {


  radio.setRetries(15, 15);    

  radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipes[0]);


here is the relevant code for this

I have already installed the NRF24 library via ./ from


my guess is something to do with not finding the RF24.h file I am using g++ -marm -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft -Ofast -Wall -pthread BULK_READ.cpp -o BULK_READ to compile the code if you need more information just say so.

any help will be appreciated

TMRh20 commented 3 years ago

add -lrf24-bcm

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

Well I tried adding that still didn't work

# g++ -marm -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft -Ofast -Wall -lrf24-bcm -pthread BULK_READ.cpp -o BULK_READ
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwsBp3o.o: in function `setup()':
BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x10): undefined reference to `__msleep'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `RF24::begin()'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `RF24::setChannel(unsigned char)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x34): undefined reference to `RF24::setPALevel(unsigned char, bool)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x40): undefined reference to `RF24::setDataRate(rf24_datarate_e)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x4c): undefined reference to `RF24::setAutoAck(bool)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x5c): undefined reference to `RF24::setRetries(unsigned char, unsigned char)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x68): undefined reference to `RF24::setCRCLength(rf24_crclength_e)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x78): undefined reference to `RF24::openWritingPipe(unsigned long long)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x8c): undefined reference to `RF24::openReadingPipe(unsigned char, unsigned long long)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x94): undefined reference to `RF24::startListening()'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x9c): undefined reference to `RF24::printDetails()'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0xa8): undefined reference to `RF24::powerUp()'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwsBp3o.o: in function `loop()':
BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0xf0): undefined reference to `RF24::read(void*, unsigned char)'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x100): undefined reference to `RF24::available()'
/usr/bin/ld: BULK_READ.cpp:(.text+0x250): undefined reference to `__msleep'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwsBp3o.o: in function `RF24::~RF24()':
BULK_READ.cpp:(.text._ZN4RF24D2Ev[_ZN4RF24D5Ev]+0x20): undefined reference to `SPI::~SPI()'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwsBp3o.o: in function `RF24::~RF24()':
BULK_READ.cpp:(.text._ZN4RF24D0Ev[_ZN4RF24D5Ev]+0x20): undefined reference to `SPI::~SPI()'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwsBp3o.o: in function `_GLOBAL__sub_I_radio':
BULK_READ.cpp:(.text.startup+0x5c): undefined reference to `RF24::RF24(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

in short same error. i have also tried added -L g++ -marm -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft -Ofast -L/usr/local/include/RF24 -L/usr/local/lib -lrf24 -pthread BULK_READ.cpp -o BULK_READ as I thought that I might not be finding the library and it still didn't work.

so yeah...

OLLYDOTDEV commented 3 years ago

well with the tag you gave me i was able to find the resources to get it to work g++ -marm -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=soft -Ofast -Wall -pthread -I/usr/local/include/RF24/.. -I.. -L/usr/local/lib BULK_READ.cpp -lrf24 -o BULK_READ

Keep up the great work