nRF24 / RF24Network

OSI Layer 3 Networking for nRF24L01(+) and nRF52x on Arduino and Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Esp32 with rf24-network #155

Closed itriedsohar closed 4 years ago

itriedsohar commented 4 years ago

Hello. I have a simple question. Is it possible to use the rf24-network library with the esp32 module. I have searched all over and have not got help. Please help me

TMRh20 commented 4 years ago


itriedsohar commented 4 years ago

@TMRh20 I was trying to use it on my arduino ide but it brings a warning saying that the library is not supported on the esp32 architectecture. I am trying to use the esp32 as a base node receiving values from 4 sensor nodes. Before uploading, that particular warning shows up, and after uploading, the serial monitor does not show any values. I know the code is correct because when I test it with an arduino uno it works just fine. But I need the esp32 for iot capacity. Is there anything I am supposed to add or remove. Thank you.

TMRh20 commented 4 years ago

Take a look at this thread for correct wiring etc.

You basically want to do standard troubleshooting, so I would suggest testing with the core RF24 driver first, and make sure you are getting correct output from the included printDetails(); function.

Once that is ok, then move to RF24Network and you should have better luck.

Avamander commented 4 years ago

Yes, explicit support hasn't been enabled because it hasn't been tested officially. If you get it working, let us know and the warning can be disabled.

itriedsohar commented 4 years ago

@TMRh20 I used the same module with the RF24 library with this sketch and it worked just fine (receiving "HELLO WORLD" string). I also used your recomend forum to acquire the correct pin connection between the esp32 and nrf24l01. It's only when I use the RF24-NETWORK library that the warning appears. The code actually uploads but nothing is shown on the serial monitor. I will try harder n get back to you if I fail or succeed but any new help would really be grateful. Thanks again

TMRh20 commented 4 years ago

We need an accurate idea of what is happening to respond.

When you say it shows nothing over serial, is that like completely nothing, not even RF24Network/examples/helloworld_rx/"); or are you just not getting a response?

itriedsohar commented 4 years ago

@TMRh20 @Avamander managed to figure it out. Its embaracing but I just didn't use the right pins in the radio object declaration. But thanks so much. U guyz rock