Our terraform deployment failed recently, with error:
Error: Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
When applying changes to k8sraw_yaml.test-template, provider
"registry.terraform.io/-/k8sraw" produced an unexpected new value for was
present, but now absent.
This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's own
issue tracker.
The k8sraw had been working fine for a long time until a week ago, we find it failed with above error from Oct 15, 2021.
The terraform version we used are 0.12.24
$ ../ht-traffic-signal/terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.24
Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 1.0.9. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html
name: messageout
limit: 3
duration: "10" # Must be a string. Default unit is seconds. Could also be a Duration, e.g.: "2m", "6h", "1d"
factor: 2
maxDuration: "60m" # Must be a string. Default unit is seconds. Could also be a Duration, e.g.: "2m", "6h", "1d"
retryPolicy: "Always" # Retry on errors AND failures. Also available: "OnFailure" (default), "OnError"
resubmitPendingPods: true
Hi, there,
Our terraform deployment failed recently, with error:
The k8sraw had been working fine for a long time until a week ago, we find it failed with above error from Oct 15, 2021.
The terraform version we used are 0.12.24
Advanced thanks to any help.
I have example code that uses k8sraw:
provider "local" { version = "~> 1.4" }
provider "template" { version = "~> 2.1" }
provider "kubernetes" { version = ">=1.6.2" config_path = "~/.kube/kube.conf" }
provider "k8sraw" {} data "template_file" "test-template" { template = "${file("${path.module}/templates/test-template.yml.tpl")}"
vars = { workflow_template_name = var.template_ref_name, k8s_namespace = var.k8s_namespace, } }
resource "k8sraw_yaml" "test-template" { yaml_body = data.template_file.test-template.rendered }
data "template_file" "workflow" { template = "${file("${path.module}/templates/test-workflow.yml.tpl")}" vars = { test_template_ref = var.template_ref_name service_account = "${var.service_account}", } }
resource "local_file" "test-template-file" { filename = "${path.module}/workflow/${var.test_template_file_name}.yaml" content = "${data.template_file.test-template.rendered}" } resource "local_file" "workflow" { filename = "${path.module}/workflow/${var.test_workflow_file_name}.yaml" content = data.template_file.workflow.rendered }
variable "template_ref_name" { description = "workflow template name for detector pipeline" type = string default = "test-test-deploy-try-template" }
variable "k8s_namespace" { description = "kubernetes namespace name" type = string default = "default" }
variable "test_template_name" { description = "test workflow template name" type = string default = "test-template" } variable "test_workflow_file_name" { description = "filename for populated test workflow" default = "test-workflow" type = string }
variable "test_template_file_name" { description = "filename for populated test template" default = "test-template" type = string }
variable "service_account" { description = "workflow service account" type = string default = "default" }
variable "env" { description = "deployment environment: test, dev, sit. and cit" type = string }
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: test- spec: entrypoint: hellomessage serviceAccountName: "${service_account}" arguments: parameters:
pipeline steps
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: WorkflowTemplate metadata: name: ${workflow_template_name} namespace: ${k8s_namespace} spec: templates:
individual templates for each step