Looking at 560, it appeared that the memory leak was resolved. However, I find after running a large number of scans, memory usage continually increases until the Python script is killed by oom-killer. I have tried using multiprocess and running the sslyze scan in a child process, but I keep running into deadlocks when scanning larger lists of hosts.
To Reproduce
The condition is reproduce-able by running the great example code in 560:
import os
import gc
import psutil
from sslyze import Scanner, ServerScanRequest, ServerNetworkLocation
def print_memory_used(msg):
object_count = len(gc.get_objects())
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
memory_used = process.memory_info().rss
print(f"{msg}: object count: {object_count}, memory used: {memory_used / 1024**2} MB")
def sslyze_scan(hostname, port):
results = list()
request = ServerScanRequest(ServerNetworkLocation(hostname=hostname, port=port))
scanner = Scanner()
results = list(scanner.get_results())
for i in range(1,5):
print_memory_used(f"before run {i}")
sslyze_scan("mozilla.com", 443)
print_memory_used(f"after run {i}")
Expected behavior
Memory usage should reset on each run, but output shows:
before run 1: object count: 35980, memory used: 37.78515625 MB
after run 1: object count: 45321, memory used: 59.171875 MB
before run 2: object count: 45321, memory used: 59.171875 MB
after run 2: object count: 52064, memory used: 69.640625 MB
before run 3: object count: 52064, memory used: 69.640625 MB
after run 3: object count: 52101, memory used: 79.33984375 MB
before run 4: object count: 52101, memory used: 79.85546875 MB
after run 4: object count: 45080, memory used: 86.80078125 MB
before run 1: object count: 36584, memory used: 23.13671875 MB
after run 1: object count: 45749, memory used: 51.92578125 MB
before run 2: object count: 36597, memory used: 23.13671875 MB
after run 2: object count: 45759, memory used: 51.9296875 MB
before run 3: object count: 36609, memory used: 23.13671875 MB
after run 3: object count: 45768, memory used: 52.19140625 MB
before run 4: object count: 36621, memory used: 23.13671875 MB
after run 4: object count: 45777, memory used: 52.00390625 MB
Python environment (please complete the following information):
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Python version: Python 3.8.10
SSLYZE Version: 5.1.3
NASSL Version: 5.0.1
Additional context
I have tried using multiprocessing on main internal code, but run into deadlocks when scanning larger groups of hosts:
I am continuing to investigate other alternatives to avoid increasing memory usage on subsequent scans. Any assistance or advice is greatly appreciated.
Looking at 560, it appeared that the memory leak was resolved. However, I find after running a large number of scans, memory usage continually increases until the Python script is killed by oom-killer. I have tried using multiprocess and running the sslyze scan in a child process, but I keep running into deadlocks when scanning larger lists of hosts.
To Reproduce The condition is reproduce-able by running the great example code in 560:
Expected behavior Memory usage should reset on each run, but output shows:
If I do the same thing using multiprocessing, the memory is released.
Python environment (please complete the following information):
Additional context I have tried using multiprocessing on main internal code, but run into deadlocks when scanning larger groups of hosts:
I am continuing to investigate other alternatives to avoid increasing memory usage on subsequent scans. Any assistance or advice is greatly appreciated.