nabsabraham / focal-tversky-unet

This repo contains the code for our paper "A novel focal Tversky loss function and improved Attention U-Net for lesion segmentation" accepted at IEEE ISBI 2019.
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about Conv2DTranspose #4

Closed xiewenxin closed 5 years ago

xiewenxin commented 5 years ago

hi,your code and paper is help me a lot. and thanks for you open source your code. i have question about your Conv2DTranspose . in your paper Fig2 image you concatenate two input,then use 3x3 conv + bn + relu ,and use upconv(you use Conv2DTranspose in code). but in your code , you did'nt use (3x3 conv + bn + relu) after concatenate,and you use it in output. is it the same?

nabsabraham commented 5 years ago

hi xiewenxin! I guess this is a diagram issue - I meant to use a different colour for just "do nothing" step but the diagram became to colorful. The code is correct and I did not do conv x relu x bn after the concat but you can if you have gpu space!