nachiket92 / conv-social-pooling

Code for model proposed in: Nachiket Deo and Mohan M. Trivedi,"Convolutional Social Pooling for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction." CVPRW, 2018
MIT License
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Meaning of fut_pred in details #35

Open Niixt opened 2 years ago

Niixt commented 2 years ago

The decode() function, in the highwayNet class, is the one returning the future trajectory predicted. Before returning the trajectory, fut_pred is modified by outputActivation() in The return value of outputActivation() is a concatenation of muX, muY, sigX, sigY and rho. The comment above tells us this output layer comes from Graves, 2015 but I don't understand the meaning of these 5 variables.

Can you explain to me the meaning of these variables?

zjysteven commented 1 year ago

I think it's mu for mean, sig for standard deviation, and rho for the correlation. sig is actually the reciprocal of the real sig though, according to #23.