nachoverdon / Slippi2VideoHX

Convert Project Slippi replays into videos using OBS automatically
MIT License
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Stuck waiting for game in slippi dolphin #1

Open notscimmy opened 5 years ago

notscimmy commented 5 years ago

Title says it all. Here's the json config file: { "replays":"C:\\Users\\scimmy\\Desktop\\Slippi", "obs":{ "restructure":true, "videos":"C:\\Users\\scimmy\\Desktop\\Slippi Videos", "profile":"", "exe":"C:\\Program Files\\obs-studio\\bin\\64bit\\obs64.exe", "rename":true, "kill":true, "password":"", "port":"4444", "scene":"Scene" }, "melee":"C:\\Users\\scimmy\\Desktop\\melee.iso", "dolphin":"C:\\Users\\scimmy\\AppData\\Roaming\\Slippi Desktop App\\dolphin\\Dolphin.exe", "recursive":true }

According to the slippi launchder, melee.iso in this case was flagged as "unknown iso", but still seemed to work when manually opening replays.

nachoverdon commented 5 years ago

Can you check the contents of the s2v.json that gets generated?