nacos-group / nacos-k8s

This project contains a Nacos Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos on Kubernetes using StatefulSets.
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hotfix:部署nacos-operator-all.yaml时operator提示 cannot get resource "leases" in API group "" #407

Closed zcerhub closed 1 year ago

zcerhub commented 1 year ago

1.修改使用kubectl apply -f nacos-operator-all.yaml方式部署时出现cannot get resou……rce "leases" in API group ""

2.在nacos的clusterrole中给leases授予的verbs太多了,参考eck:和argo workflow。针对lease授予get、create和update

wilsonwu commented 1 year ago

Seems dup with #387

paderlol commented 1 year ago
