nadavrot / layout

Layout is a rust library and a tool that renders Graphviz dot files.
MIT License
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Stuck or slow with big graph #3

Open gratianlup opened 2 years ago

gratianlup commented 2 years ago


Wanted to compare the perf. of your lib with Graphviz dot on some examples where dot is really slow at making the layout. The DOT file I tried may have hit either a bug in the lib, or there is some algorithm that is slow.

The input file has around 700 nodes and at least that many edges - it's the CFG of a function being optimized by MSVC. With Graphviz, dot took 1m 52s to complete. layout after >10 min is still not done. Built it on a Mac and took with the Process monitor several samples, all seem to be similar, with this deep call tree showing up each time. Build is done in release mode.

2330 layout::topo::layout::VisualGraph::do_it::h4815c5196694548a (in run) + 181 [0x104ef6fd5] 2330 layout::topo::layout::VisualGraph::to_valid_dag::hd5e8ba77059eb154 (in run) + 1129 [0x104ef7a19] 2330 layout::adt::dag::DAG::verify::h0fcd6cdb9de61321 (in run) + 406 [0x104eec266] 2330 layout::adt::dag::DAG::is_reachable_inner::h765e6031c3bd508a (in run) + 152 [0x104eec488] 2330 layout::adt::dag::DAG::is_reachable_inner::h765e6031c3bd508a (in run) + 152 [0x104eec488] 2330 layout::adt::dag::DAG::is_reachable_inner::h765e6031c3bd508a (in run) + 152 [0x104eec488] and lots more calls to is_reachable_inner

Sharing the input DOT file here:

And the sampling summary with the call graph here:

Thanks, Gratian

webbiscuit commented 1 year ago

It seems to sometimes get stuck in an infinite loop (I think complex graphs cause it to double back on itself too many times). I removed this line: visited[from.idx] = false; and is_reachable_innercan then eventually return.

s0l0ist commented 6 months ago

If you just want to render the graph and don't need a library, try

Tested on my M1 mac and it renders it in roughly a second.

Only downside is that the URL becomes too long after you've pasted in the graph and you'll get a 414 if you refresh the page.

Here's the downloaded rendering: vizdom

xenon commented 4 months ago

I got the test file to render. It took over an hour on my machine even with some changes to speed it up.

Changes made to get compile to work:

Where the code is spending a lot of time bug not hanging

The issue

The output svg


jamisonjiang commented 2 months ago

If you just want to render the graph and don't need a library, try

Tested on my M1 mac and it renders it in roughly a second.

Only downside is that the URL becomes too long after you've pasted in the graph and you'll get a 414 if you refresh the page.

Here's the downloaded rendering: vizdom

Excellent work, do you know any related background of this project?