nadavshatz / ember-cli-foundation-sass

Automatically sets up Foundation 5 SASS in your Ember CLI app.
MIT License
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JS not working #29

Closed aalasolutions-zz closed 8 years ago

aalasolutions-zz commented 9 years ago


I have included / followed your tutorial, CSS is working fine.

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  didInitAttrs() {"afterRender", function () {
}) ;

When page is loaded it is giving me following error

Uncaught TypeError: Ember.default.$(...).foundation is not a function

sly7-7 commented 9 years ago

I think you should import $ from 'jquery' and use $.foundation() directly

nadavshatz commented 8 years ago

Sorry for never responding, the repo has changed hands. I'm closing all old issues as they are very old.

Please open a new issue if you are experiencing issues with the new version.