Open ipald opened 2 years ago
I've found a solution
I changed the file platforms/android/include.gradle to
dependencies {
// implementation (project(":library")) {
// transitive = true
// }
api ('') {
exclude group: 'org.json', module: 'json'
Don't know why "implementation" doesn't work but after a session of trial-and-error and thanks to I found out this solution but without the implementation part (that I left commented because I will proceed with a further investigation).
Due to the fact that this repo seems to be abandoned I've forked this project into
changing compile
to implementation
did work for me
Hello all, I cannot build my app for android anymore due to an issue in include.gradle file. I'm using NS8.1.4
The build fails with this error
I've tried to change the keyword "compile" with "implementation" (or "api") and i'm able to step over the build ma layer doesn't work
iOS build has no problems
Someone have a solution?
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