nadir-akhtar / ethereal-2017

Humanitas: A blockchain-enabled charity.
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Unable to process transactions using MetaMask #2

Open abwaqar opened 5 years ago

abwaqar commented 5 years ago

I have successfully built the project at my end and it launches the marketplace web page just fine. Ganache is setup and configured with MetaMask extension on the same port. I have also changed the address in contractData.js to one of the addresses from Ganache where the donation needs to get transferred to. When I click on "Pay with MetaMask", it shows ALERT: Trying to call a function on a non-contract address. error in the popup displayed by MetaMask extension. See attached.

humanitas bug

I have tried to debug this but so far I am unable to find the root cause of this problem. Can you please provide assistance in resolving this?

abwaqar commented 5 years ago

Can someone please resolve this issue?

zasleon commented 5 years ago

来自霸者丶终尚领皇的答案: after 3 month,i don't have idea whether you work it out,but i still want to put forward my answer. the REASON why your wallet value is 0 is that => your metamask didn't connect to your virtual wallet!!!( just like ganache-cli,testrpc,mist and so on).

so,how to connect is the key answer.↓

1,open one virtual wallet on the cmd, i choose ganache-cli 2.please search one keyword among the data created by the command ganache-cli: !!!Mnemonic!!!

you will find Mnemonic in the place just like this:↓ HD Wallet

Mnemonic: ride jazz bridge upset inside maze claw scorpion primary sketch address plunge Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}

3.copy the 12 words the Mnemonic give you↑(ride jazz bridge……and so on) the metamask and choose the choice"try to find back my account",and input the 12 words and input the password 5.get into that account,and you will see, your eth become 100 from 0 then you can success work out this problem