nadrino / SimpleModManager

SimpleModManager is an homebrew app for the Nintendo Switch
GNU General Public License v3.0
326 stars 12 forks source link

Added plugin menu #17

Closed KP2048 closed 2 years ago

KP2048 commented 3 years ago

closes #16

nadrino commented 3 years ago

Great addition!! Gonna check this soon :)

For the README, one could do a spoiler to hide the full text of the plugin source code example

KP2048 commented 3 years ago


KP2048 commented 3 years ago

KP2048 commented 3 years ago

the original was console only

nadrino commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, I had my Switch sleeping in limbo du to a failed update... I'm gonna try it!

nadrino commented 3 years ago

Alright so I was able to see the .smm plugin in the GUI but when I click on it, SMM is just quitting. Did I miss a step?

KP2048 commented 3 years ago

uh the way it loads the plugin is by setting the next load env to the path to the smm plugin so that NX-Hbloader loads the plugin instead of NX-Hbmenu and then quits SimpleModManager to trigger it.

KP2048 commented 3 years ago

it definitely works on my end on my switch. what plugin are you using? if the nro requires files next to it (eg in the switch folder) it will still look for those files in the switch folder and not next to the actual nro which is in the .plugins

KP2048 commented 3 years ago

Try this plugin. It links against my library that i made with some helper functions and it returns back to smm on exit if it detects if it was loaded as a plugin. extract it and put the smm in sdmc:/mods/Skyrim/.plugins/

KP2048 commented 3 years ago

the nro is just for if you want to try my fork of SkyMM-NX from NX-Hbmenu because mine has a proper gui :)

KP2048 commented 2 years ago

Is this going to get merged?

nadrino commented 2 years ago

Hi @Witherking25, yeah sorry for the enormous delay! I had a lot of work and didn't keep the developments. Actually I tried to update the GUI repo but they changed a lot of things, and I had to update (and understand) their new methods.

May be I will rollback to the previous version (since I didn't work on a separated branch... bad idea xD), and merge you plugin feature on the last version. Is it ok for you?

KP2048 commented 2 years ago


KP2048 commented 2 years ago

Also the updated borealis is incomplete. They don’t have lists and stuff yet. I would just stick with the old version until the new one matures more

KP2048 commented 2 years ago


nadrino commented 2 years ago

let's go :)

KP2048 commented 2 years ago


snoozbuster commented 2 years ago

just FYI - pretty sure this PR screwed up the build. I'm not able to get master to build successfully, but if I revert the top merge commit I'm able to get it to build just fine. I think when these got merged, a bunch of stuff in the submodules got really out of whack.

KP2048 commented 2 years ago

What exactly seems to be the issue? It builds fine before he merged it on my end.

snoozbuster commented 2 years ago

I imagine it does - I haven’t pulled down your fork and tried to build it but my suspicion is that it does work. If you pull down my fork (which doesn’t include your merge), it should also build. But if I try to build master of this repo I get some errors about missing functions and definitions, and even some errors about undefined submodules - it looks like something went wrong in the merge, especially w.r.t the submodules. I wasn’t able to sort out exactly what happened, only figure out that if I reverted the merge commit at the head of master then it would build.

KP2048 commented 2 years ago

it seems to be an issue with tesla. they must have changed some things in libnx and the version of tesla i have in my fork doesn't use the updated api. updating the libtesla submodule should fix this

KP2048 commented 2 years ago

KP2048 commented 2 years ago

see #26